“THEY TOLD COLLEAGUES TO BE SAFE” The commission of experts examines under what circumstances a worker from “Krusik” died


The Valjevo General Prosecutor’s Office is investigating the explosion at the Begova voda “Krushik” shooting range in Zlatarić, near Valjevo. According to information from “Blic”, a commission of experts was formed to examine the circumstances in which the detonation took place, in which “Krušika” engineer Miroslav Jovanović was killed (52).

According to the latest information, the health condition of the injured worker Milisav Pavlović (56), who is being treated at the Military Medical Academy, is stable, and he, who suffered burns and lung injuries due to the hot gases in the explosion, did not endangers his life.

The tragedy at the Valjevo military factory training ground occurred during a regular attempt to connect a capsule to the warhead of a “malutka” anti-tank missile, and in the experiment itself, in addition to the dead engineer and the worker from the field of wounded training, two other workers of “Krushik” participated.

Wounded engineer Miroslav J.Photo: Social networks

Wounded engineer Miroslav J.

– It was an experiment of penetration and improvement of the existing rocket, and 300 tests of this type were carried out in the last five years in the same way and each of them passed without the slightest problem and incident, and the workers of “Krushik”, especially the dead engineer, they were the highest professional and trained for these activities. The warhead of the “malutka” was placed in the concrete slab of the polygon and, as predicted by the test procedure, detonator caps were placed to test the given parametric. The capsule, by the way, always ignites with the help of electricity and there is no other way to activate it. The truth is that Miroslav ordered his colleagues, participants in the experiment, to be transferred to a safe place, to stay next to the warhead and place a capsule on it. It was then that the explosion occurred with the most tragic outcome – says a source from “Blic” close to the investigation that was launched.

He explains that at the time of the detonation, two workers from “Krušik” were already in the security bunker near the experiment site, but Pavlović was injured because he was unable to escape.

Jovanovic, on the other hand, was killed in the explosion at the scene. According to our source, there is an “enormous” amount of circumstances and factors by which the explosion could have occurred, so a commission of experts was formed, and all the necessary expertise will be carried out at the scene of the accident, at the site of Begova Voda tests. The investigation is being carried out by the Valjevo Basic Prosecutor’s Office, and currently the case, as we have learned, is classified as a serious crime against public security.

KrušikPhoto: Aleksandar Slavković / RAS Serbia


In an interview with “Blic”, the military analyst Aleksandar Radic says that he cannot speak about the cause of the accident at the “Krushik” camp, but points out that the investigation will show how and why the tragedy occurred, “given that the accidents unfortunately continue our military industry. “

– There is a very clear and precise procedure for conducting experiments. Unfortunately, there is sometimes a lot of pressure to meet sometimes very short deadlines and show the result, especially when it comes to lethal new media, and I am saying this not only in the context of this accident. That is why it is very important that the investigation be thorough, in order to avoid unintended consequences for the people and equipment of the national military industry in the future, says Radić.

According to our interlocutor, the “girl” who was interrogated by the murdered engineer “Krushik” and his colleagues has been modified in our country and two types of this anti-armor projectile are currently being manufactured, with a cumulative warhead and an aerosol head. The modification that was carried out in our military industry refers to the extension of the range of this projectile to five, instead of the usual three kilometers.
