They sound a bit strange and archaic, but they are unique and maybe made just for your daughter!


If you want to be really original when choosing a name for your daughter, and still stay within the framework of Serbian folk tradition, choose one of these. These are 30 beautiful old Serbian female names that sound strange and “archaic” today.

These names are not always originally Serbian, but have become “domesticated” in our area, which is why they were used by some of the most important women of our past, reports the Historical Artist.

Agnija / Agnica – pure, innocent, honorable

Belosava – created from “whiteness” and “glory”

* That was the name of the Queen of Serbia from 1234 to 1243, the wife of King Vladislav Nemanjić.

Vojislav– a famous fighter

* Vojislava was the sister of the great prefect Stefan Nemanja, married to the Bosnian Ban Kulin.

Gavrila / Gavrilka – learned from the masculine name given after the biblical archangel Gabriel. So “God is my strength”

Despina / Despnia – lover

Duka – derived from the name “Georgina”, and means farmer, “one who cultivates the land”

* The famous Serbian scientist’s mother was named Georgina Djuka Tesla.

Evdokija– derived from the Greek word “eudokia” which means goodwill, benevolence

* Evdokija Andjel, the first wife of Stefan Nemanjić, the first king of Serbia, the mother of Stefan Radoslav, Predislav and Stefan Vladislav, is important in our history.


* Žanka Stokić was a famous Serbian actress

Zorka – the one who is the gift of dawn

* Zorka Karadjordjevic (Petrovic girl) was the daughter of a Montenegrin prince, later King Nikola I Petrovic and wife of Peter I Karadjordjevic.

Icon – of an icon, a painting that represents Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and other saints in Christianity

Primula – the name was given to girls born while the house was in mourning, for example, if the father died before the child’s birth and the like

Kadivka / Kadeva / Kadiva – silk cloth, also a kind of flower

Leposava – be all beautiful

* The name is mentioned in the popular song “Marriage of Milić Barjaktar”

Beautiful – a variation of “Beautiful”, the one you want to be beautiful

Mandusha – a variant of the name Manda (from Magdalena), which means “he who comes from Magdalena” (a place on the Sea of ​​Galilee).

* The name is known for Mary Magdalene, who was a close disciple and companion of Jesus.

Find them – find, the one found

Njegomirka – the one who maintains / nurtures peace

Processing – of which they were happy

Palexia – hospitable

* Poleksija Karađorđević was the daughter of Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević, grandson of Karađorđe

Роксанда / Роксандра – light, sunrise

* The name is mentioned in the popular song “Zenidba Dusanova”.

Savetka – derived from Elizabeth, means “I adore God”

Tomanija – a miracle worker

* Tomanija Obrenović was the wife of Jevrem Obrenović, brother of Prince Miloš

Ćirijana / Žirka – the one who governs

nice – beautiful

Fema / Femka – the speaker, the one who speaks

Hajdana – bright, bright, clear, happy

Load – the one who rules, Empress

* Empress (somewhere also Zorica) Nemanjić was a Serbian princess, daughter of King Milutin

Čarna – black or lovely

Shake – lotosov cvet Serbia

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