THEY SLEEP, COUGH AND HAVE NO TEMPERATURE Crowds in health centers, but doctors say: NOT A CROWN!


In recent days there have been more crowds and longer waits in some health centers, especially in the pediatric department, among younger patients.

Sneezing, coughing, and shortness of breath are symptoms that a large number of patients now have. However, although everyone would think of the coronavirus first, as they explain to us from the health centers of the capital, the cause is totally different.

In other words, before the flu season, which is yet to come, we have reached the time of year in which the queues in front of health centers are made up of patients who have allergy problems.

– An allergy to ragweed has appeared and now more children are coming, but also those who otherwise have this problem. Certainly we respect all the measurements, patients are measured their temperature, but that is not a symptom they have. They come without fever and have nose and cough problems. There is a greater number of children among the patients, but ragweed is common in this period of the year, as was the case in all previous ones – says for “Blic” the director of DZ “Dr. Milutin Ivković”, Dr. Aleksandar Stojanović.

According to the readers of “Blic”, there is a crowd in front of the children’s department of the school “Dr Sima Milošević” in Banovo brdo.

Much work for ENTPhoto: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia

Much work for ENT

– Last night was quite busy, around 6.30 pm there was a whole queue in front of the health center. A score of children with their parents were waiting in front – said this citizen of Belgrade.

On the other hand, there were no crowds at the Vračar and Voždovac health centers in recent days.

– There is nothing significantly different compared to the previous period last year – they said briefly from the Voždovac Health Center.

They confirmed the same from Vracar.

– In recent days the number of patients who come for allergies or other viruses has not increased. This refers to the General Medicine Service, where adult patients are located, and the Child Health Protection Service, they said from this DZ.

We remind you that the ragweed season is the strongest from mid-August to late September, although many belgraders feel trouble before and after this shock period.

– The highest concentrations of pollen occur in the morning, and certainly the most threatened areas are the riverbanks, as well as the unregulated areas – Mirjana Mitrović, head of the pollen group of the Environmental Protection Agency explained earlier to ” Blic “.

How to recognize it

– It is easier to recognize an allergy because it is repeated from one season to another and in the same period of time. The typical symptoms are consecutive sneezing, more than 10 times, itchy nose, watery eyes from allergic conjunctivitis. Of course, there is an allergic cough, but it is not the dominant symptom and manifests as a dry, irritating cough or, as patients describe, a tickling sensation in the throat, said Dr. Katarina Milošević, an allergist at Tirsova .

Photo: Shutterstock

How to fight

The best way to combat ragweed is immunotherapy, which is carried out outside the flowering season by administering small doses of allergens to patients. The second type are antihistamines, as well as various drops for the nose and eyes, and the third includes several “rules of conduct” such as avoiding walks in the morning, showering and washing hair frequently, keeping the windows closed. .

How to protect yourself

When the concentration of pollen in the air increases, doctors do not recommend ventilating the premises. Also, the clothes should not be dried in the open air. It is necessary to wear sunglasses that reduce the contact of allergens with the eyes. After each walk, you should change your clothes and wash your hair before going to bed, to remove all the pollen. You should wash your hands regularly and not touch your eyes when it stings. You can rinse your nose with saline solution.

BONUS VIDEO: The difference in symptoms between the flu and the corona virus
