They sell grapefruit juice, and there is no trace of that fruit!


CONSUMERS, ATTENTION!  THEY DECEIVE YOU UNEXPECTELY: They sell grapefruit juice, and there is no trace of that fruit!

Black and white statement of the disputed juice, Photo: Screenshot

That what is inside the tetrapack is more important than a good juice package is confirmed by the example of our reader who supposedly bought 100% grapefruit juice, in which there is no trace of that fruit!

A consumer quickly bought juice from a hypermarket with the words “100% grapefruit” written in large letters. However, since he did not read the statement at the store, an unpleasant surprise awaited him at his home when he read there that there was no grapefruit in the juice bottle he bought.

Also read lowercase letters

– In the liter bottle, as they called it “muddy grapefruit juice”, which was supposedly produced from concentrated grapefruit juice, there was more strawberry juice, up to 20 percent, as well as citric acid. Unfortunately, I already had a glass of juice before reading the details on the packaging, so I couldn’t return it. In the future, I will pay more attention to reading product labels, says Kurir’s disappointed customer.

photo: Fonet / Media Center

Dejan Gavrilović from the Organization for the Protection of the Effective Consumer tells Kurir that this is a conscious deception of consumers.

– It used to happen that the packaging said that it is grapefruit juice, and that it has several other ingredients, but that there is a certain percentage of grapefruit. But I haven’t seen it without it at all. It is a deception to consumers and each customer who finds himself in this situation has the right to return the product and the right to a refund, Gavrilovic emphasizes.

He adds that it is important that customers pay attention to the ingredients on the packaging of the products they want to buy.

– It is fine that the listed ingredients are in this case, it is obvious that it has reached such a point that we have to read those lowercase, even when it comes to juices – estimates.

Obmana Kremom

Remember that there were similar examples of customer deception with other products, as was the case with “Eurocream”.

– On the package it was written that the percentage of hazelnuts was determined on the box, and the hazelnuts were in the black part of the cream, but in a much lower quantity than indicated on the packaging. In the example of buying juice, saying there is something and there is not is unprecedented, says Gavrilović.


  • Water
  • 20% concentrated strawberry juice
  • sugar
  • strawberry flavorings
  • acidity regulator – citric acid
  • antioxidant – ascorbic acid K. Vasković Photo: Screenshot

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
