The president of the Vojvodina League of Social Democrats, Nenad Čanak, arrived last night on TV Pink without a mask and without symptoms of coronavirus.
“They tell me I’m negative, we’ll see what happens tomorrow,” Canak said, after, as he himself says, he returned from the Kovid clinic where he was tested for the corona virus.
He is one of the guests of the “Hit Tweet” program, and before entering the TV Pink studio, Canak, as he says, felt discomfort, and then decided to measure his temperature.

– Before the start of the program, I thought about it and accidentally realized that I was uncomfortable. After that, I measured the temperature and the result showed that it was very high. I went, just before the show started, to do a quick test. They say I am negative. We’ll see what happens tomorrow. The only thing I can say is that this was never in my life – said Canak.

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Author: Kurir.rs/Blic.rs