Public figures are often exposed in the media, so detailed information on what they own and how rich they are is often “in the palm of their hand” for the broad masses.
That is why they are often attacked by criminals, which is why it often happened that their houses were robbed, their cars stolen, jewelry and money.
Viki Miljković stole a car in front of the house
At the end of 2016, an expensive car worth several tens of thousands of euros was stolen from Violeta Miljković. This accident occurred four years ago in front of his home in Bežanijska kosa.
“I am shocked by all this! I do not want to comment much, because the police are working on the case. When I woke up that day, there was no car in front of my house. I did not believe it when I saw it, but soon I had to believe it. I reported everything to the police, ”the singer told the media at the time.

Vesna Zmijanac was robbed by workers
Folk singer Vesna Zmijanac also experienced the inconvenience of the year when her home in Bukulja was raided by workers who took things worth 10,000 euros. Employees at the time gradually stole her and took them out item by item so she wouldn’t notice. After that, he installed cameras and saw what it was all about.
“My house in Bukulja is secured with cameras and alarms and I have never had a problem with thieves. I had a bigger problem with the workers who maintained my garden. I look for some things only after three months and then I see that they are missing. Then I need something of time to connect who was working at the time. I can’t immediately see what dress I’m missing or anything else, but I find out everything from time to time, “she said at the time.

Lea Kiš – home
The presenter was the target of a thief while on vacation with her family in 2016. Two thieves then broke into a house in Voždovac two hours after midnight and took a large quantity of gold jewelery: bracelets, necklaces, rings … Just hours after the robbery, the police arrested the thieves.
Gianni waited in front of the house, hit him and took his watch from him.
Folk singer Radiša Trajković Đani was beaten to death in front of his home in Mirijevo. The singer was leaving the yard to re-park the car when two strangers were waiting for him behind the gate and attacked him from behind with the intention of stealing it. First, they twisted his arm and threw him to the ground, then they kicked him in the stomach and hit him on the head. Gianni had no chance to defend himself and the thieves fled with his watch valued at around 2,000 euros. The singer was not publicized in the media at the time.

Dragana Radosavljević Cakana had several unpleasant situations in her life, so in addition to robbing her house, she was also the victim of a robber in a bank.
“Believe it or not, the man waited for me to put my things down, so he took it. I am not sure that there is not a photo of him in the bank, because it was captured on camera. I was not afraid, what should I be afraid of “I ran out of money. I took some of the money, my attention was not on the money bag, there is everything in the video. He watched and waited for it to come out, so it disappeared. It was 850 euros and 60,000 dinars, so probably earn money. I can’t believe it. Those people walk down the street, “said the singer in 2019, while six years earlier her house in Sremčica had been robbed:
“They took almost everything: jewelry, money, weapons, watches, clothing, various souvenirs and some valuable and important things that we collected over the years. The value of the jewelry and watches alone exceeds 20,000 euros. Well, they ruined my life! Thieves! ” They entered the house through the back of the patio, through a small window that they broke. Obviously we don’t cover that part enough with the cameras. They first found Nebojsa’s room, which they ransacked, and then mine and all the other rooms. “
Aco Pejović
Popular singer Aco Pejović was assaulted six years ago in Sarajevo while eating kebabs. The thieves “screwed up” not only him but his musicians as well, with whom he sat in a restaurant to take a break from the hard road. They experienced major inconvenience when their van was stolen, and the damage was estimated at around 5,000 euros. That is, the singer and his associates were returning from a performance in Bosnia and, on their way to Belgrade, they decided to stop at the Bash Bazaar to eat kebabs. They parked a little further from the pedestrian zone and when they returned they had something to see. In just one hour, while their break lasted, the skilled thieves got the job done.
“It is true what you heard, but I would not give it much importance. I am at sea with my family in Greece,” the singer briefly told the media at the time.
Suzana Jovanovic and Sasa Popovic
One of the perhaps largest robberies happened to the production director of “Gran”, Sasa Popovic, from his villa, in the settlement of Bezanijska kosa, the thieves stole jewelery worth 100,000 euros and a pistol. Popović’s wife, Suzana, noticed the theft at the villa.
“The front door was open, which indicated that something was happening in the house. He entered the house, but on the ground floor he did not notice any object moving and pulling, so he went up to the bedroom where the box is However, when the frightened wife of the owner of “Granda” immediately called the police, so the operatives of the Department for the Suppression of Serious Theft and investigators immediately went to the place. and the ring of Sasha’s wedding, precious jewels and watches. He said there were five chains of white and yellow gold, eight or nine ducats, also white and yellow gold, diamonds, pendants, eight “Rolex” in the safe. A gun, for the that he had the corresponding license and boxes of bullets. Perhaps he forgot something, but that the value of the jewels is surely around 100,000 euros, “said the interlocutor familiar with the investigation at the time.

Sasa popovic
On that occasion, a safe with certain documentation was stolen from the home of the director of “Great Production”, as well as several watches belonging to the closest members of the Popović family. We emphasize that it is not true that a certain amount of money has been taken from the house. “In order not to interfere with law enforcement agencies in discovering the perpetrators, this statement ended the speech to the media when it comes to this issue,” the “Grand” press service said in a statement at the time.

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