22.10.2020. 12:57 – 22.10.2020. 13:17
Deputies from the “United Valley – SDA Sandzak” list will not vote for the election of Ivica Dacic as president of the National Assembly, announced the deputy from that list, Shaip Kamberi, to which the socialist leader replied that they have no problem voting for him as prime minister.

Photo: Alo! / Dejan Briza
Deputies from the list “United Valley – SDA Sandzak” will not vote for the election of Ivica Dacic as president of the National Assembly, announced the deputy from that list, Shaip Kamberi, to which the socialist leader replied that they have no problem voting for him as prime minister.
In today’s session, which continues the constitution of the Serbian Parliament, Kamberi said that Dacic belongs to the political elite that provoked bloody wars in the former SFRY, which affected the position of national minorities in Serbia, which he described as “unfavorable”.
Kamberi said that Dacic would not get the votes on that list because, as he said, he often expressed hatred towards members of minorities and that in public appearances he asked to cover up and deny the crimes committed against Kosovo Albanians, as well as not to denounce the masses. graves with Kosovo Albanians.
Kamberi was upset that Dacic is said to be the speaker of the Serbian parliament, adding that Dacic should express the unity of the political groups, and not because, as he said, he is running as the speaker of the Serbian parliament.
He also referred to the mention of Dačićević’s results as head of diplomacy in the withdrawal of Kosovo’s recognized independence, adding that the celebration of recognition was “a shot in the leg.”
Responding to Kamberi, Dacic recalled that Sandzak representatives voted for Dacic when he was in government.
“Ugljanin was not only in another government, but in the one that I was president. You voted then and now it is not good to vote for me. There is no discussion here, but I do not care at all,” Dacic said.
SPS deputy Djordje Milicevic referred to the actions of SDA leader Sulejman Uglajnin, who, as he says, repeatedly asked for special status for Sandzazak, while, as he noted, he did not do so while in power.
“Ugljanin is trying to destabilize the situation in the Raska area by inventing problems, and during the performance of state functions, he never asked Sandzak the question,” Milicevic said.
He added that Uglajnin now wants media attention to score political points.
SDA MP Enis Imamović said that what Ugljanin was seeking was not in conflict with the Serbian Constitution.