They published in the cadastre on the basis of false papers, here is the SCHEME


TRIAL FOR FRAUD BEGINS WITH DEATHS OF DEAD: Registered in the cadastre on the basis of false papers, here is the SCHEME

Photo: Marina Lopičić, Shutterstock

BELGRADE – A group of 15 defendants will sit in the dock of the Belgrade Special Court on Monday for allegations of fraud during the registration of apartments in the property registry, using false documentation.

Their trial will begin with a preliminary hearing, which will be closed to the public, in which they will briefly plead guilty, after which it will be determined what evidence will be presented during the trial.

After this hearing, the court will schedule the start of the main trial, which will be public and in which the defendants will be able to present their defenses in detail.

The defendants are Zoran Ranković, Aleksandar Lalić, Vladimir Milanović, Goran Đurđević, Nikola Jolović, Darko Živković, Dragan Negovanović, Petar Miščević, Jožef Pavlov, Zićri Bašić, Nemanja Vučićvić and Brankovićvić.

The defendants are accused of fraud during the registration of apartments in the real estate cadastre, using false documentation on the previous basis to acquire the apartments in dispute.

It is suspected that this criminal group used apartments on the territory of the city of Belgrade, the owners of which died and were mostly without heirs, when registering apartments in the land books of the Geodetic Authority of the Republic with false documentation about one of the members of the group or people related to them. .

Then they sold them below the market price.

Following the arrest, the police announced that counterfeit sales contracts, apartment purchase contracts, confirmations that the apartments were paid in full, and dozens of counterfeit seals from state institutions were found in the suspects’ apartments, which were used to certify false documentation. Among the defendants is a funeral home worker, who suspects that he gave information about the deceased to a group of scammers.


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