They played “Djilas, thieves” for my children to listen to them, I wait for you tonight


Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas posted a tweet on Sunday night saying that he “would wait” on Monday night for people who had let “Djilas, thieves” listen to their children the night before.

Djilas, in the video, very emotionally accused Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic of “taking the debacles” to a building next to where his children live, and that these people released “Djilas thieves” from the speakers, which his children they heard “they were crying”.

Djilas said in the video that he will be in the building where his children live and will wait for those who released “Djilas, thieves” from the public speech.

We are reminded that the demonstrations and counter-demonstrations – publicity of the critics of the Aleksandar Vucic government by Sherpas at 8.05 pm and the response of the SNS sympathizers from 8.30 pm by torches and shouts of “Djilasa, thieves” – started throughout Serbia this week.

Meanwhile, at around the same time, Vucic said on TV Pink on TV Pink that the SNS was not the organizer of the torches that were the response to “Sherpas.”

– Nothing organized my party because I would not allow them. I can’t forbid people to fit in with someone somewhere. But I ask you to be careful, I ask you not to use torches, I ask that no one violate the curfew. This was organized by some youth association – said Vucic.

While in the background, torch shots from rooftops, as well as images of SNS MP Vladimir Djukanovic, who participated in a torch, said he understood the guilty people.

– Like the others who are sometimes guilty of hearing this noise, they must understand how nervous everyone is, not only with people who have young children, but also with people who are apolitical and who think differently from them. So I think all of this doesn’t make sense, to be completely open and completely honest. It is important to me that everyone is responsible under the law that violated the curfew. And those who beat people in Dorcol just because they did their job, as well as those who used the curfew to get from one place to another. Everyone should respond. Everywhere Everywhere – Vucic said.

As a result of the incident, some SNS members appeared on Twitter, such as Deputy Mayor Goran Vesic, who described the recording of Djilas as “bad performance”, arguing that the opposition also yelled at him outside his building.

SNS MP Dragan Sormaz also had a comment.

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