They paid for respirators three times more expensive but they never came


On March 30, Oren-Pines was paid $ 69.1 million for respirators whose individual price was $ 47,650, which was three times the death price for the next-generation model.

“A month later, New York broke the deal with that land and is now trying to get the cash back,” said the New York Post.

“Some of the money has been returned to the state,” said a spokeswoman for the New York General Service Office, without specifying how much.

As for that respirator order, it was the largest payment the Health Department made to Governor Andre Como’s primary decision.

The media say it is unclear how Oren-Pines was selected, especially if it is positive that they are specialized in mobile phone technology, with no obvious experience in medical equipment.

They were among the thousands who tweeted President Trump on March 27 asking Ford and General Motors to “start producing respirators immediately.”

Oren-Prens said intensive care units can make fanatics invasive and non-invasive.

“Someone call me URGENT,” wrote Oren-Pines, who was recommended by the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

The White House and Vice President Mike Pence’s office had no comment, as did the San Francisco-based company.

Courier / Tanjug, Photo: EPA / NEIL HALL

Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
