They landed off the road and were stuck in the car overnight. In the morning the lumberjacks caught a horrible sight



07.09.2020. 13:05

The vehicle they were traveling in was heading towards Prokuplje and for now, for unknown reasons, it landed off the road.

Accident in Cacak

Accident, Photo: Rina

Two people, GR and MP from Kursumlija, are after a car accident, which happened overnight in in the village of Barlovo in Kursumlija, they spent the whole night in the vehicle with injuries, and early in the morning they were noticed by the lumberjacks.

After repairing the injuries, they were transferred to further diagnostics at Prokuplje hospital, which is ongoing.

According to the first information, the vehicle in which they were traveling was heading towards Prokuplje and for now, for unknown reasons, it landed off the road. It happened last night around midnight.

– Only around six this morning, a call was received and the ambulance team immediately went to the field. One person was outside the vehicle and the other was inside. Both had visible wounds, they confirmed it to us at the Kursumlija Health Center.

One of the young men, that is, the driver, said that he thought he had been unconscious for a long time and was awakened by the groan of his passenger, who fell from the car on the impact and was found near the vehicle in the grass. For now, both have, as they say, a memory problem and, according to the first findings, suffered serious bodily injuries.
