They found a nest of snakes in the house, 5 in each of the rooms! They asked for help and got a response they DON’T EXPECT


Sadeta Kolbash from Ruski Krstur, a place in Kula Township, found a nest of snakes in her home last month, and her daughter Sanja Kusic said they found 5 or 6 reptiles in almost every room in her home during the agony that lasted. days. They say there was never any humidity in the house.

According to Sanja, it all started one night when her mother Sadeta saw something move in the hallway on the laminate, thinking that the snail was naked.

– When he turned on the light, he saw a snake that stopped for a moment. Mom jumped out of the hall out of fear and ran to another part of the house where her daughter-in-law and brother live and started screaming and asking for help. However, the snake crawled under the laminate and disappeared when the brother entered the house, Sanja begins.

It says that no one slept all night, but that the snake did not appear.

– In the morning when it dawned, my mother took all the laminate out of the hall and threw it, thinking it was under the hole, and bought a new one. It covered the crack in the front door, which is very small. The crack was stained and new laminate was placed. We thought that the problem was solved, when after a few minutes, my mother noticed again that a snake in the new laminate was twisting – says Sanja.

After a few hours of the same day, Sadeta’s daughter-in-law saw a snake in the corner by the door, while Sadeta herself entered the room and saw another on the parquet.

To help the Kolbashi, friends and family joined in the action of finding the trash.

– Those snakes were baby snakes about 8 inches long and thin as a straw. They started from the bathroom where they found several, entered a room, took out the parquet slats and caught 5 or 6 more, 5 in the bedroom and several more in a room, and a total of 14 snakes were captured – says the daughter of Sadeta.

All of this, he notes, lasted 4 days. To get rid of the snakebeds, the entire house was sprayed with bleach.

– We also called the Institute for the Protection of Nature, but no one had a solution for such a problem. They told me they had to get a warrant to go out into the field and when they came they would take the snake and take it to a nearby canal. When I told them that it was a nest of snakes and that we didn’t know where they came from, they said to me: “Then we can’t help you, so we can’t be with you 24 hours a day and wait for the snakes” and they suggested that if I see, I cover it with a basin and then call them to take it away – explains the interlocutor.

Since there was no solution in sight, the house where the snakes lived was disinfected with sulfur.

– The whole house and the patio smelled of sulfur for three days and in the corridor they put glue on cardboard and in those three days 3 more snakes were glued to the glue – Sanja explains and adds:

– Let me touch the tree, they are not there yet, but there is still a worm of doubt where “mom and dad” are those 17 or 18 snakes that we caught and the question is if they will come back again.

The Provincial Institute for Nature Protection says that in situations like this, where snakes are in the house where people live, they satisfy the needs of citizens as much as they can, and that they usually work in Novi Sad, but also in places surrounding.

– Snakes are our obligation, and by law they should not be killed. We catch them and release them more in the wild. It is incredible that no one from the Institute went out into the field in connection with the Ruski Krstur case, the Institute claims, adding that anyone with such a problem can call him freely and he will go out into the field.

(, DS / PHOTO: Profimedia / Illustration)

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