‘THEY DON’T KILL ME!’ “Confession of the mother of a teenager who was shot in the head at the spa, her story different from the version of THE THREE SUSPICIOUS BROTHERS


Marija Lepojevic, the mother of Filip Lepojevic (18), who was killed on September 5 in Banjica, says her son begged the assailant not to kill him.

Filip Lepojević was shot to the head on September 5 after a conflict with brothers Uroš (24), Petar (34) and Radovan Rakoćević (37). As suspected, Petar shot the unfortunate young man in the head, while Uroš hit Aleksa Ђ with another pistol. (21) on the thigh. With them was another young man who fled the place.

The young suspects defended themselves at the hearing saying that they killed Filip in self-defense.

Filip’s mother, Marija Lepojević, says everything that happened on the fateful night was told to her by a friend of Filip’s who managed to escape the crime scene.

– Filip left the house around 1pm and met the two of them. They walked through the city and had lunch, and before 5 p.m. they invited the third young man to bring a pack of beer to his grandfather, who is turning 95 years old. He lives near Rakočević – she says.

She says that the children came to the parking lot on Bulevar oslobođenja and that Petar Leković saw them then, that they had a cap and a protective mask.

– When they finished the visit, they got into a “Volkswagen Polo” and a “Skoda” appeared in front of them, in which there were brothers, who got out and started shaking their car and cursing everything on the list. That third guy says he thought he was going to turn around. At one point, Peter hit the window of Alexi, who was the driver, and then he saw my son in the passenger seat and said, “And little boy, jackals, are you there too?” Then he pulled it out of the car, holding his flaps and leaning against the hood. He hit him directly in the forehead with the barrel of a pistol and yelled, “What is it? What is it? What is it?” – the inconsolable woman hardly utters.

Banjica murder and a burning flower shopPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Banjica murder and a burning flower shop

Marija claims that Filip’s friend told the inspectors in detail how the murder happened.

– I can only imagine how scared my son was. He said to Peter, “What’s wrong with you? Please don’t. What’s wrong with you?” This apparently further enraged Rakočević, for which he replied: “What’s wrong with me?” Filip then turned his head to the side, and began to hit him again with the barrel and at that moment he fired a bullet – the teenager’s mother told “Srpski Telegraf”.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

As the young man testified, after the first shot, the brothers panicked and tried to stab the third guy with a gun to keep their fingerprints on him, and he crossed his arms and yelled at Peter, “You killed my friend.” , and then fled scared. down the street.

– After Petar killed my son, Radovan yelled, “What did you do?”, And his brother yelled, “I shot,” to which Radovan said, “You always do shit.” Then Uroš shot Alex who was sitting in the car and then they left, says the mother of the murdered young man.

He adds that there are witnesses to the horror who saw it all.

“I don’t believe in the history of self-defense”

Philip’s mother says they do not understand how they can claim that they shot “unarmed children” in self-defense.

– Who else can accidentally have a finger on the trigger and squeeze it? What did my son do to him so that he could judge him like that? she says.
