They broke into shops and houses and stole HUMANITARIAN AID


AS (31) from Leskovac was arrested on suspicion of having committed two serious robberies and six robberies with two classmates, men aged 55 and 59, from late October to mid-November.

Criminal charges will be brought against the other two.

It is suspected that from late October to mid-November this year they broke into a hairdresser and bakery in Leskovac and stole money from two boxes to collect humanitarian donations that were there, Leskovac police said in a statement.

It is also suspected that on several occasions, taking advantage of the absence of relatives, they entered houses without keys from which they took money, as well as that they stole boxes with voluntary donations and candles from two churches in the vicinity of Leskovac, which they sold.

It is suspected that more than 200,000 dinars were seized in this way.

Suspect AS, along with the criminal charges, was brought before the base prosecutor in Leskovac, for which the judge in the previous procedure ordered his arrest for up to 30 days.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
