They believe that such a measure could have a detrimental effect on MENTAL HEALTH


Thousands of scientists and health experts around the world have signed a declaration against the reintroduction of quarantine, that is, the blockade of the country.

Nearly 6,000 experts, including dozens from the UK, believe that such a move could have a devastating impact on an individual’s physical and mental health, as well as on society itself. They demand that protection be directed at the most threatened groups and that healthy people get on with their lives, writes the BBC.

The experts wrote to the British Health Minister with the intention of pointing out the possible negative effects of the re-lockdown, which are in line with the demands of the movement behind the Great Barrington Declaration.

The movement behind the anti-lockdown declaration began in the United States, and so far the declaration has been signed by nearly 6,000 scientists and medical experts around the world, as well as 50,000 citizens.

Britain’s experts who signed the Declaration believe that reintroducing quarantine before vaccines are available could cause “irreparable harm to health.”

They say that the vaccination rate for children could fall and that care for heart or cancer patients could worsen.

They point out that the risk of corona infection with the virus is 1000 times higher for sick people or the elderly. As the immunity of the population increases, the signatories of the Declaration believe that the risk of infection is decreasing for all groups, including the critics.

The statement recommends measures to protect vulnerable people, including regular testing of nursing home staff, and recommends delivery of groceries and other necessities to retirees living at home.

On the other hand, the signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration are committed to the normal functioning of young people, teaching in schools and universities, opening restaurants and carrying out sports and cultural activities.

Photo: Neil Hall / EPA;

While well-intentioned, the declaration has profound ethical, logistical and scientific flaws, ”said Dr. Stephen Griffin, professor of medicine at the University of Leeds.

Griffin claims that the vulnerable come from all walks of life and deserve to be treated the same, and that the long-term consequences of corona virus infection have been seen in younger people who have had mild symptoms.

Simon Clark, an expert in cell biology at the University of Reading, cautions that it is not yet known whether it is possible to acquire herd immunity at all.

“For that, we would need natural and permanent immunity to kovid-19, and we still don’t know how effective or long-lasting the immunity we acquire after infection is,” he added.

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