They beat him with a hammer and a painless, and he prodded them with a knife.


Two men were stabbed with a knife on Sunday shortly after 8 pm in Banovo brdo, on Nedeljka Čabrinovića street at number 8, after a short fight and verbal argument.

As “Blic” unofficially finds out, the stabbing occurred after two wounded people broke into the family home and attacked the suspect VM.

The man allegedly took a kitchen knife to defend himself and stabbed the original attackers. They suffered serious bodily injuries, a man was resuscitated and both were taken by ambulance to the Emergency Center.

– One man is currently stable, while the other in the intensive care unit is in serious condition. Both are in treatment – said yesterday from the Emergency Center of “Blic”.

The house where the attack took placePhoto: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

The house where the attack took place

Blic reporters were at the scene of the incident, and as they heard from neighbors who witnessed the incident to some extent, there are several faces to the history of this crime, which was preceded by a fight.

In other words, the ex-husband of a JU woman who lives in a house with three children and a mother and a brother is suspected of stabbing two men. According to neighbors, the man had been known to the police since he was known for drug trafficking, and he was allegedly in prison several times.

– They lived together for an hour, they didn’t for an hour. They have three children, two boys ages 17 and 19 and a five-year-old daughter. However, a younger son is also troublesome, he did not finish school, changed several times, and in the end he probably dropped out. The other oldest son is the opposite, he is a nice boy and we have not heard anything bad from him – said one of the neighbors.

As fellow citizens on this street also said, there was a “state of siege” in their otherwise peaceful area Sunday night.

– There were policemen everywhere, almost half of the street was closed, they did not allow anyone to approach. We saw the father of these children enter the police station and speak to the police. He was arrested immediately after the incident and these two men ended up in the ambulance. They even took one out in a yellow bag, we all wondered if it survived. The police shouted: “Resuscitation, resuscitation” – said one of the neighbors.

Investigation, policePhoto: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

Investigation, police

At the time when the “Blic” reporters were talking to one of the neighbors, another neighbor joined the conversation and presented somewhat different details of this drama.

According to her account, the woman’s current single husband was allegedly attacked by her ex-husband and another man.

– A woman divorced her ex-husband a few years ago, she has been having fun with another man, or more precisely, living with him. As far as I know, your ex-husband came in last night and attacked you with another man. This man took a knife in self defense and stabbed them – said another neighbor.

A five-year-old boy was transferred to a neighbor during the incident, so as not to witness the disgusting attack on the house where he lives.

– One of the sons appeared during the attack and reacted in a very strange way, as if nothing had happened. He just passed the police and entered the house. Before the police arrived, we heard a woman yelling, “Put the knife down!” – added one of the neighbors.

“They beat him with a baseball bat and a hammer”

The “Blic” editorial staff was contacted by a woman who, as she says, wanted to tell the whole truth about this case. Namely, as she said, two attackers broke into the family home in Banovo brdo.

“They started beating the single husband of a woman who lives there with children with a baseball bat and a hammer, all in front of a five-year-old boy,” she said.

Photo: K. Kamenov / RAS Serbia

The children’s mother, more precisely the unmarried wife of the suspect in the stabbing, tried to prevent the attack, but was unsuccessful. The suspect then pulled out a kitchen knife and stabbed them in self-defense.

After the incident, he waited for the police, who arrived quickly, to tell all the details of this crime.

As “Blic” learned unofficially, after the recovery and hospital treatment of the two wounded, the prosecutor will be consulted to decide whether criminal charges will be brought against them for the attack on the CoM.
