“They ate, they drank, the staff chased them”


Singer Emina Jahovic found herself at the center of a scandal after she allegedly refused to pay the bill for the additional services she used at a hotel in the Turkish resort of Godzek, nor, according to Turkish media, did she tip the staff. .

Emina Jahović

Photo: Milorad Milanković / RAS Serbia

Emina Jahović

That is, as an employee of the luxury resort where Emina stayed, told the Turkish media, the singer allegedly has not yet paid off her debts with the hotel, where she has spent the summer with her family.

– Emina, like every year, is on vacation with her family from Serbia in a popular summer resort in Godzek. This time, Emina arrived on vacation at the end of summer, they stayed there a few days, they enjoyed the sea and the sun and everything that a summer vacation offers, but also a hotel. However, this year the situation was not like all the previous ones because Emina put all the hotel employees in a difficult situation at the end of the holidays – a hotel source told the Turkish media, reports “Alo!” in which the music star stayed with his family.

As she said, the singer has reportedly not yet paid the bills for the additional services she used at the hotel.

– They ate, drank and paid nothing. They didn’t even tip the hotel workers. The hotel staff rushed to Emina to collect the bill and we had a lot of problems with that, said one of the employees at the hotel, the aforementioned newspaper reported, and this time Jahović did not advertise for the Turkish media.

Turkish media also stated that the singer allegedly addressed the misdemeanor court in Turkey with a request to ban the news “because it is humiliating and damages her reputation,” however Emina Jahović’s public relations service said the story It had nothing to do with the accusations, but it was about the stories that were related to the divorce of the singer from Mustafa Sandal and that it has nothing to do with all this story that the Turkish media is publishing.

“It is pure nonsense. It is a purely sensational story and everyone knows that Emina is completely opposite to what was written, above all she is generous and everything is made up,” Emina Jahović’s public relations service told Kurir.

Find out HERE what problems the babysitters caused Emina Jahović and why she switched to 30 of them HERE.

VIDEO: Emina Jahovic prepares breakfast
