
In an interview with “Politika”, he gave his predictions on how the virus will behave in the coming months, but also spoke about the Russian vaccine.

– We won’t get rid of him so easily. There are only two options: either it will become infected in people or it will follow vaccination, to keep it as low as possible, said Dr. Gligić.

When asked when the second wave was expected, he gave an answer few of us expected.

– It won’t be. There will only be swords. These viruses occur epidemically every four to seven years. First, the circulating epidemic of kovid 19 must be extinguished, and only then can another wave appear after a few years. The crown will not remain in this shape forever as it is now, it will disappear. And then it will reappear. We don’t know if it will be epidemic or pandemic then, he said.

He also explained that it is a virus that constantly surprises us.

– As soon as kovid 19 appeared, I said: “It will stay because it was created and survived in nature.” When nature “stumbles”, it is as if you have touched an aspen. The virus has woken up and we can barely get rid of it. Those who defend the thesis that they will disappear must know that this can only happen if something happens in nature, without our influence. What we are doing is simply repairing the consequences it caused with its appearance. The crown is not from yesterday. She has been somewhere for a long time – he said.

When it comes to the vaccine arriving from Russia, Dr. Gligić has full confidence in it, however, he believes that he is not sure that the antibodies it provides will last two years.

– I don’t think it will last that long. How can it be said that immunity will protect for two years when kovid 19 exists in the world for only eight months? The Russians once tried to make a vaccine against SARS, but the virus disappeared and interest in the vaccine was lost. Now they have continued that research and, based on the knowledge about SARS, they probably claim that immunity can exist for two years, explained Dr. Gligić.

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