They are not intended for us, but for the neighbors who work


Two powerful detonations disturbed the residents of Višnjička Street at around 2 a.m., when an unknown person threw two bombs in the courtyard of the house of number 8, and a neighbor was injured after receiving a shrapnel hit in the leg.

The first results of the investigation indicate that the bomb was not intended for any of the occupants of that building, but that it was a mistake.

– When the explosion was first heard, at first we thought a louder firecracker was being thrown on the concrete in front of the building, and then another was heard. We were all upset and went out to see what happened, a neighbor tells us.

A house in front of which bombs were dropped.

Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

A house in front of which bombs were dropped.

Among them was a neighbor on the top floor who came out onto the terrace amid the explosions. At that moment, shrapnel hit him in the leg.

– As everyone left, my husband also went out to the terrace and that is what happened. Now he is fine, but he has been kept in hospital to monitor his health. We still don’t know what happened last night, but it certainly has nothing to do with us – the injured man’s wife told us briefly.

Traces of shrapnel can still be seen at the site, on the facade of the house in which the explosives were thrown, and some neighbors suffered damage because the projectiles ended up in their windows.

– Now is the new year, so throwing firecrackers is not unusual, so last night when I heard it, I did not even think it was a bomb, but some children were playing. About ten minutes later the police and the ambulance arrived and took the neighbor out of that building, a pensioner from the street tells us.

Traces of explosives

Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

Traces of explosives

The police carried out an investigation until 6:00 am, the neighbors tell us that the policemen also brought a dog, that they found parts of the bomb, but that there is already talk in the settlement about what the cause could be.

– Apparently, the bomb was destined for some neighbors, who are supposedly drug traffickers. It’s a shame that the whole neighborhood suffers because of individuals – he says.
