THEY ARE ARRIVING FROM THE NETHERLANDS, THEY WILL ALSO BE FROM “TORLAK”: This is when we will receive the first doses of the influenza vaccine


The remaining amounts will arrive during that month.

Skodric said on TV Prva that the quantities of vaccines against influenza will be sufficient for everyone who wants to be vaccinated, and that citizens, he says, must register.

“Yesterday a truck left from Holland with the first doses for which we signed a contract. There are about 344,000 doses of vaccines, and other doses will arrive, so there will be enough for all categories, both for those who are subject to mandatory immunization and for those who will. they wanted to get vaccinated, “Skodric said.

He stated that at the moment there is enough medical equipment for the fight against kovid-19 and added that Serbia is also preparing in that regard for the fall.

“All the time since March, from the beginning, we have tried to have enough stocks. Now it is not the same situation as in March and April, when there was a problem, not only for Serbia, but for the whole world to get equipment easily.” Said Skodric.

According to her, there are more than 1,000 respirators in the central warehouse, but also other devices and all the consumables needed for intensive care units, as well as all the protective equipment.

“We also have a central warehouse for kovid-19 drugs,” Skodric said.

Skodric said there is a working group dealing with the kovid-19 vaccine issue.

“The vaccine that will be the first safe and registered by the Drug Agency will be immediately present in Serbia and we will be among the first countries where it will be available,” said the director of the RHIF.

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