These THREE PLANTS are key to boosting immunity!


One of the most famous Serbian doctors reveals to our readers how to strengthen immunity with alternative methods.

Distinguished professor of medicine Branimir Nestorović, a specialist in pediatrics with a minor in pulmonology and allergology, reveals the secrets of alternative medicine and gives advice to strengthen the immunity of Novosti readers.

In his work so far, he has earned the trust of thousands of citizens, whom he dealt with during his career, but also millions of citizens of Serbia, whose sympathies he earned during 2020 during the global pandemic. by Novosti Magazine summarizes his experiences with patients and reveals the secrets of various alternative treatment methods.

  • Looking at the general health situation in the world, what alternative method of strengthening immunity do you recommend?

What advice from Ayurvedic medicine do you recommend to our readers?

Ayurveda is the oldest medicine in the world. Ayurvedic plants have great effects, but in my opinion, the principle of balancing the body with the environment is more important. The principles of Ayurveda are philosophical, it is not about treating diseases, but about achieving a balance between man and the environment.

– There are many ways to increase immunity. one is a walk in the cold air that lasts up to an hour. The second is a stay in the sauna, also for up to an hour. Use high-fiber foods, vegetables, and sea fish at least twice a week. preferably baked.

  • In the conditions of the global corona virus epidemic, what advice would you give our readers to strengthen mental health?

– We definitely know that psychological stress leads to a severe suppression of the immune response. Stress activates a response that basically has the activation of the symptom, and all this is detrimental to the activity of the immune system and intellectual functions. Therefore, achieving a state of relaxation, breathing exercises, good sleep, meditation is always good for the immune system.

  • What three home remedies would you recommend to our readers to strengthen the immune system?

In the first place it is a nettle leaf, in the second I would always put garlic, and in the third place a walnut. Nettle contains numerous immunostimulatory and anticancer substances, and garlic and broccoli suprone compounds that are pronounced antioxidants. The walnut is a food with many useful substances, some of them, the jungle for example, are unique just because of it.

  • Do you recommend any alternative methods of treatment to your patients and what medicine do you trust the most besides traditional medicine?

– I think you should use everything that helps. If there is an effective remedy, why not use it? If a plant has excellent effects, for example mistletoe in regulating sugar, as an immunostimulating and anticancer plant, why not use it?

  • Do your patients believe in alternative medicine and the advice you give them?

– I have a good relationship with patients, that’s why they tell me what they use. A large number use some of the complementary and alternative medicine methods, but are afraid to tell their doctor. In recent years, the use of homeopathy and quantum medicine has exploded.

