
The potential epidemiological danger, experts say, is posed by our tourists returning from abroad, as well as students returning to dormitories, with the third group being “irresponsible high school students.”

Return of our tourists from summer holidays

The return of 25,000 of our summer vacation tourists from abroad (although it later turned out that there were 75,000) may affect the increase in the number of infected people this month, said epidemiologist Prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.

– Everyone who comes to Serbia should be aware that they are at risk, so it would be nice to find yourself in some kind of domestic isolation. Whether it’s coming back from summer vacation or coming from one place to another, we should all be in the habit of taking care of ourselves and others – said Dr. Tiodorović.

Photo: Tanjug / Dimitrije Nikolić

Branislav Tiodorović

His colleague, epidemiologist Predrag Kon, agrees with him, who also believes that this group can potentially cause an “epidemiological boom.”

However, it is also emphasized that there should be no greater risk than if they stayed at home if some of the precautionary measures were observed, such as going on the road with their own transport, staying in private accommodation and keeping their distance in addition to wearing masks. However, crisis staff agree that upon their return from abroad, our citizens must act responsibly and remain in self-isolation. It would also be desirable if they did not send their children to school during that time, but instead followed classes online during that time.

Return of 9,000 students

The second group at risk are students who need to return to their studies this fall, and many of them will have dormitory accommodation. So far we have learned that enclosed spaces and large groups in the corona equation represent a serious risk. During the month of September, the management of the “Belgrade” Student Center expects between 8,000 and 9,000 students to return home.

– We have new risk situations, students come, exam deadlines. They come to the houses, especially in Belgrade, it is a risk again. The situation is being prepared, so that we may have a place to isolate the positives, where they will wait for the results, and special places are being prepared where the milder cases will be treated – commented Dr. Kon.

Kon also recalled that the previous increase in the number of new patients started with students, but not dormitories.

Photo: Tanjug

– The growth started with the students, not in dormitories, but in various celebrations. All the other people who contracted the disease gave a statement about more mass socialization and did not immediately react, so it spread, warns Dr. Kon.

As a reminder, more than 300 students were infected in June and July. That is, from June 12 to July 4, 647 people were evaluated at the Student Polyclinic and 303 tested positive. More than a quarter were in private accommodation, a quarter in homes, while the rest had permanent residence in Belgrade.

The main recommendation for this group is that, no parties or meetings! In schools, measures of physical distance, the use of masks and disinfection must be respected, and in the student dormitories special measures are prescribed that must be strictly observed. Students living in dormitories are prohibited from visiting, staying overnight, and student celebrations, and this is strictly controlled.

“High school students don’t wear masks”

A few days ago, Crisis Staff members surprised everyone by saying that they were most concerned about high school students as the group most likely to become a new “epidemiological bomb” due to their careless youthful behavior.

– For five places, I made them go out during the holidays, not to wear masks, so that it happened en masse. I got in touch with Minister Šarčević, I think we will have to work on that. There is a lot to do with them, noted epidemiologist Predrag Kon.

Photo: Screen Print / Pink

Predrag Kon

Another epidemiologist and crisis staff member agreed with him: Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.

– High school students can be worrisome. They move a lot more and communicate a lot more, they go to cafes and various events. We have to work with them more and pay attention to them, says Tiodorović.

Regarding epidemiologist Predrag Kon’s statement that he is more concerned about secondary school students, Education Minister Mladen Šarčević also reacted, saying that he is more concerned about secondary school principals than secondary school students, because they dominate everything. the history.

– High school students are adolescents who are by nature, but adults can not allow such behavior in this environment – said the minister.

As Šarčević said at the time, the penalties are gradual for students who remove their masks or ignore keeping their distance.

Photo: Ž. Knezevic

– There are reprimands, reprimands, grade reduction by the government, and finally expulsion from classes. And school workers can ultimately get their employment contracts terminated as long as it is determined in disciplinary proceedings that they are responsible for endangering the safety of students, said the Minister of Education, writes the Serbian Telegraph.

So, for all those who do not respect the measures, the sanctions will gradually go:

1. Warning

2. Ukor

3. Downgrading of governance ratings

4. Exit from classes

5. Get out of school

It should be remembered that during the last month, the eldest son of the department of the Children’s Clinic of the Clinical Hospital Center “Dragiša Mišović” was 15 years old, but on several occasions adolescents of different ages were treated.

The case of a completely healthy 14-year-old boy who spent two days on a respirator also showed that corona can definitely cause serious symptoms in teens.

– He is the only child who had to receive mechanical respiratory support, but fortunately only for two days. Of the youngest with a more serious illness, we only had one five-year-old from Tutin. All the others with more severe clinical conditions were between 14 and 15 years of age or older, Dr. Olivera Ostojić of KBC “Dragiša Mišović” previously said.

Photo: N. Skenderija

KBC Dragiša Mišović

Dr. Kon added that this group, that is, young people between the ages of 15 and 19, is one of the groups with the most infections, but they also tend to have a milder clinical picture, except in extreme situations. However, he appealed to them to be responsible and wear masks for themselves and their loved ones.

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