THESE NEW MEASURES come into force today, tens of thousands of people have already entered the territory of Serbia to avoid them.


Due to the large number of infected and hospitalized, the Crisis Staff introduced new measures, which take effect today. These measures will mainly affect guest workers and other citizens of Serbia who want to spend holidays in their home country. As of today, a negative PCR text or a ten-day quarantine is mandatory for everyone coming to Serbia from abroad.

Mile-long columns at border crossings, queues, nervousness, crowds on all major roads, thousands of Serbs living or temporarily staying abroad return home to celebrate the holidays with family and friends … It seems like the usual atmosphere for this time of year. Only at first glance. Nothing is “usual” this year, especially the holidays and the arrival of a relative of a guest worker. And you know who the culprit is …

Korona does not seem to care that she ruined almost the entire year that is coming to an end, so she decided to seriously “choose” the beginning of the next one, the celebration of the happiest holidays and the meetings with family and friends from abroad that we eagerly awaited. .

Due to the very unstable epidemiological situation in Serbia, which is best illustrated by the tens of deaths and several thousand new infections every day, government crisis personnel estimated that the return of large numbers of citizens before the holidays could be a further blow to the seriously injured healthcare system. they were the only reasonable ones right now.

All foreigners wishing to enter Serbia will have to undergo a negative PCR test, while Serbian citizens, whose Constitution guarantees their return to the country when they wish, will have to remain in home isolation for 10 days, which may end if they take a test PCR test and if it proves negative, it was recently decided at the Confirmation Staff meeting and confirmed at the Government session.

Safety measures

Experts estimated that due to the complicated return, as well as the quarantine measures, a significant number of people will still skip their stay in Serbia during the holidays.

However, the fact that a “space” of several days was left from the moment the new measures were adopted until they came into effect forced the guest workers not to postpone their vacation for years without a crown, but to hurry before the measures officially begin. Be valid.

The mandatory PCR test or quarantine when entering the territory of Serbia begins to be valid from midnight, and in addition to health workers, this fact seems to have pleased another profession, customs officers, who had their hands busy in the previous days.

Photos of border crossings taken in the previous three days are reminiscent of happier times. They looked as if the tourist season was in full swing and as if the virus corona was not even in sight. It took several hours to enter Serbia from Hungary, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The worst in Horgos

Judging by reports, the worst situation was in Horgos, when some 16,000 passengers in 4,500 vehicles entered Serbia in the last 24 hours alone.

Traffic jams were also recorded at the Tompa-Kelabija border crossing, Bajakovo, as well as at alternative crossings.

There are huge traffic jams both on the Austrian-Hungarian border and in general on the Western European roads leading to Serbia, because many left for holidays and to avoid anti-epidemic measures.

Starting today, new rules

Special rules will apply to those who fail to enter the territory of Serbia before midnight.

At the border crossing, police officers must present a negative test or, after a health warning, they must report to the electronic health system and remain in quarantine for the next ten days.

Photo: Nebojsa Raus / RAS Serbia

They will be able to leave it if they are tested for the corona virus at one of the public health institutes or in an authorized laboratory, and the PCR test, which they pay in advance, returns a negative result.

The measures do not apply to passengers, nor to passengers passing through our country, in transit for the traffic of goods, but behind passengers in the border area, for citizens of Serbia working in Hungary within a radius of 30 kilometers. If they have proof that they work in Hungary or have a country, they will be able to enter or exit without a PCR test.

The price of the on-demand PCR test currently costs 6,000 dinars, while the newly established price of 9,000 dinars will be valid from January 1.

Let us remind you that the new measures went into effect today and will likely last until January 10.

VIDEO: We tested a home test on a crown
