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Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers celebrate the parents of the Mother of God, the Righteous Saints Joaquin and Ana.
We extract testimonies about them from the 2nd century apocryphal writings known as the Proto-Gospel of James, the most popular apocrypha in the early Church.
According to tradition, Saint Joachim was a descendant of King David, and Anna was a descendant of the high priest Aaron. She was the youngest daughter and when she grew up she married Joachim in Nazareth. They lived godly and often went to the temple in Jerusalem to pray.
They divided all the earnings into three parts, one that they kept for themselves, one that they gave to the poor, and one that they reserved for the temple.
They had been married for fifty years.
According to the understanding and belief of that time, those who did not have children were great sinners, so God denied them children for that.
Likewise, others who had children considered Joachim and Anna unworthy. However, they did not lose hope and faith in God. They prayed day and night that God would make them happy and work a miracle in them, as they used to do with Abraham and Sarah, Zacharias and Elizabeth, and that he would give them a son to comfort them in old age. After a while, Ana gave birth to a daughter and named her Maria.
Their daughter later gave birth to Christ, and in this way they became godparents, that is, divine ancestors.
Joakim lived for 80 years and Ana for 79 years.
According to the calendar of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Saints Joaquin and Ana are celebrated on September 22.
Customs related to this day
Traditions say that it should be given to the poor on this day. But one must be careful not to allow pride to enter the heart when giving. It must be in our minds how the poor are equal to everyone else, and we give our contribution to Christ.
It is also believed that loved ones should receive a gift wrapped in red paper today.
In addition, this day is determined by the family and family values, and whoever has the opportunity should spend it with their relatives.

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Author: delivery courier