These citizens of Serbia are the most attacked by the crown



24.10.2020. 22:55

Today, Serbia broke the infamous record when it comes to people infected with the corona virus on a daily basis.

Korona, KBC Zemun

Korona, KBC Zemun, Photo: Hello / Vladimir Markovic

What experts feared happened: In the last 24 hours, 757 new infected people were registered and three people died.

It is a dramatic leap from yesterday’s figure, when 579 recently infected people were discovered in Serbia, and represents a new record for the number of people infected on a daily basis.

According to today’s data, a total of 6,882 people were tested and the percentage of patients is 10.1 percent.

However, a deeper analysis of the data implies which population structure was most affected. That is, according to today’s figures, the most infected people were found among people aged 30 to 40, or 145 infected, which represents more than 19 percent of the current total number of infected.

Then follow the citizens aged 20-30: 137 infected, that is. 18.10 percent of the total number, followed by residents aged 40 to 50 (133 infected, 17.57 percent).

Complete list of infected by age:

Total number of positives without defined age – 0
Total number of positives ages 0-10: 20 (2.64 percent)
10 to 20 years – 43 (5.68 percent)
Total number of positives ages 20-30: 137 (18.10 percent)
Total number of positives ages 30 to 40: 145 (19.15 percent)
From 40 to 50 years – 133 (17.57 percent)
From 50 to 60 years – 127 (16.78 percent)
From 60 to 70 years – 74 (9.78 percent)
70 to 80 years old – 45 (5.94 percent)
From 80 to 90 years: 26 (3.43 percent)
Total number of positive people over 90 – 7 (0.92 percent)

Epidemiologist Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević said yesterday at the press conference after the crisis staff session for the fight against coronavirus that, in most cases, patients have a mild form or asymptomatic manifestations.

“Older people and people with chronic diseases are at the highest risk for complications, but virtually everyone can be at risk,” Dr. Kisić Tepavčević said at the time.

“The active working population and the group of young adults are at greater risk, due to the greater intensity of contact with a greater number of people,” he explained.
