“THESE CHILDREN, BIZGOVS ARE THE WORST FOR ME, WHEN I HAVE TO SAY IT …” Confession of a cashier who fights every day with clients who refuse to comply with this regulation


In a small shop on the outskirts of Belgrade, there is a queue in front of the cash register. There are two cashiers, the store is open all day, it is Sunday at eight at night. Very well, mostly young people, those who buy at the last minute, before Monday, a new work week, or those who are very young, who join the company at the end, so they went to buy a can, to “to warm”.

All the people in line are wearing masks, the cashier is already grunting because the air conditioning is not working, but she is not complaining. We have been in line for so long to chat about those common topics, how is the weather, if there are many people, etc.

Then two boys come in, about 18, 19 years old, maybe a little older. Without a mask, they stood relaxed in front of the entire line and waited for the cashier to pay attention to buy what they needed, on the other side of the line.

– To cut 1,000 dinars and give me hell … – says one of them.

“I don’t have any change, and you crossed the line and you have no mask,” says the cashier.

– Come on, let this one go … – says one of the two, they turn around and leave.

Accustomed to arrogance and having someone constantly jump through the ranks, people don’t react. They take care of their jobs and continue to wait patiently to pay.

After five minutes, here they are again. This time one has a mask, the other does not.

“Hey kid, I said you can’t do without a mask,” the cashier yelled at them.

They entered the store in large numbers, and the one with the mask added:

– Well, you don’t have a mask here, where to buy it ?! – She says and continues comfortably with the other without a mask through the store.

Of course, this one slipped in without a mask and began searching the shelves for what he needed.

The woman sighs deeply, very deeply and says:

– Trust me, I don’t know what to do. Since this started with the crown, nothing has been more difficult for me than persecuting people. It’s not nice having to warn them all the time. Some will be aggressive, and I’m here alone in the store, I’m a woman … Well, I don’t understand. If I can work with a mask all day, which is difficult for them to respect these regulations. Rather, it is a kind of spite, towards everything, towards God, towards people, towards life. I do not understand that. And where does he get the right to put me in danger ?! And the worst thing for me, to tell the truth, are these young, bizgs, when I have to put it like this … You don’t cultivate anyone. They would also fight. Uneducated, rude … Like these two now. They are on the other end of the line, they have no masks and no one can do anything to them! Terrible! Have someone punish them here on the spot, so they can smoke. It’s like this … It doesn’t make sense for me to enforce regulations. I can’t do it alone. Sometimes when there’s a crowd, a woman is in line, so she tells them, but it’s not worth it. The other day they almost spat on him, and they too were drunk … Sometimes you feel … they left you at your mercy. I complained to the boss, but he is not there to react either. It is important to him that the inspection is not forbidden, and how I will fight business to cope. I’m desperate. And I’m afraid that if any of them infect me – says a woman who, for understandable reasons, wanted to remain anonymous.

Our interlocutor is not the only one dealing with clients who refuse to respect this important regulation, but the question is how to help them.

What we can do is write about it and draw attention, authorities, strengthen controls and you, the parents, raise the children.
