These are the most important dates for primary and secondary students in Serbia


Beginning June 1, activities will begin in high schools, from correcting and concluding grades to graduation from high school, which will last three days, from June 4-6.

The Minister of Education and Science, Mladen Šarčević, says that according to the Serbian government crisis staff recommendation from June 1, the Ministry has the authority to make the timetable. Šarčević for Blic “announces important dates for high school students:

– Classes end at the end of May and we continue with regular activities regarding protection measures, school disinfection and the presence of a small number of students in the same space and at the same time. Only high school graduates arrive at school on June 1, 2, and 3, and those are the days to wrap up grades, says the minister.

He adds that this does not mean that all high school graduates will come to school.

– Those three days are coming for those who are not satisfied with their completed grades and want to correct them and will agree the details with their teachers. Since school institutions or teachers have their own autonomy, it practically means that the teacher can contact the student if they have certain doubts. However, the majority guarantee that students will cheat during the earlier part of online classes and the graduation exam essay turned out to be unfounded. More or less expected results were achieved and the children worked honestly, says Minister Šarčević.

As he says, during the epidemic, there was a formative assessment that approximately 80 percent of students and teachers wisely used. Everything they have done so far becomes a numerical rating.

After the evaluation, the next three days, June 4, 5, and 6, are reserved for taking the high school graduation exam, or as it is more often called, job advocacy.

– Graduates who have completed all their obligations have an important date of June 24, when they apply for the desired faculty. When it comes to school activities, the Ministry’s suggestion will be for teachers to set aside as much time as possible from eight in the morning until eight o’clock, because the goal is to have as few students as possible at school at the same time, said the minister.

Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

Younger high school students attending first, second, and third grade can improve their grades when high school graduates generally “drop out” of school.

– They will have two weeks if they want to improve their grades, from June 8. Throughout this time, the school enrollment tests for the gifted will last until the small graduation. Starting this year, we also have new areas: Social Science, Art and Media, and we have expanded to seven cities for Sports High Schools. According to estimates, about 8,000 students will apply, notes Šarčević.

He says secondary vocational schools were unable to do their practice due to the epidemic. As he adds, before, for example, teachers organized catering and tourism classes in Croatia, and now they can do it in Serbia.

When it comes to the little graduation, we will take into account the period behind us. This practically means that everything will be taken into account when compiling the tests. However, assignments will be more difficult than was the case in the small graduation exam essay, when students could simply complete the offered answers. Now there will still be real tasks, but as the minister says, they will be neither too easy nor too difficult.

As the Minister previously announced, beginning in June, each school, according to eighth grade students or high school graduates, will have the opportunity to organize classes to better prepare for the small high school graduation or entrance exam.

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