These are the most horrible SOLDIER SUICIDES in Serbia


After being shot in a car parked in front of the “Vasa Čarapić” barracks in Banjica, an AR soldier died at the Military Medical Academy. Unfortunately, these cases occur among members of the Army, although they are expected to show special psychic strength and not have problems of a spiritual nature.

For the Army, these cases are a special subject of investigation, but, like all people, the uniformed have weak points, which generally have nothing to do with service. Illness, family, a bad situation or a great disappointment in society are the reasons to pull the trigger.

Very sad news came last year from Pancevo, that a soldier who was only 21 years old took his own life with his grandfather’s gun. His father found his body in the Starčevo canal.

The media also mentioned the suicide of soldier Ž. T., 45, who took his own life in 2018 in an apartment in Niš, and a similar case occurred two years earlier, in an apartment in Kragujevac, when a 12-year-old IJ tried himself.

In 2018, DI (28) also took his own life in the village of Zagužanje near Surdulica, as was suspected, after returning from the wedding.

Barracks Photo: Ministry of Defense of Serbia / Promo

Barracks “Vasa Čarapić” in Banjica

There is no systematic data on this serious problem for the recent period, but the analysis of suicides from 1999 to 2007 is available to the public. In these turbulent and post-war years, which were marked by the crisis and the transition of the system, 30 members of the Army took their own lives and the most critical year was 2003.

One of the causes of suicide is undoubtedly post-traumatic stress disorder, which is one of the serious psychological problems that a soldier can face as a result of being in war zones.

According to the available data, the suicide analysis carried out at the Belgrade Military Medical Academy showed that in no case during the period 1998-2007, was there no responsibility of the military organization, and that interpersonal relationships and actions in the Serbian army units they were not the immediate cause of the suicide. writes the “Telegraph”.

Every suicide is analyzed in detail and the military implements suicide prevention to a large extent.

Unfortunately, this phenomenon is in human nature, and not even the most modern armies in the world are fought.

Data from this year shows that up to 14 British war veterans took their own lives in a period of just two months, and most of them fought in Afghanistan.

It was revealed that more than 120 soldiers raised their hands during 2018 and 2019, but the military did not release details.

Even more terrible information is coming from the US.

More than 45,000 veterans or service soldiers have committed suicide in the last six years. That means nearly 20 suicides a day, and that is more than the total number of US soldiers killed in the fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. According to the “Annual Report on Suicides” produced by the United States Department of Defense, 498 soldiers of the United States Army committed suicide in 2019.

SOS Helpline for People Contemplating Suicide

The number 011 / 7777-000 is an SOS telephone that operates 24 hours a day, and is attended by experts in suicide prevention – doctors from the “Dr Laza Lazarevic” Clinic for Psychiatric Diseases. The Emergency Psychiatry Service receives patients 24 hours a day without prior appointment, without a book and without payment, and the Mental Health Center receives without appointment from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

If you need help, you can call the volunteers of the “Srce” Center every day from 5 to 11 pm on the phone number 0800-300-303 or contact them by email at [email protected].
