These are officials who are connected to the mafia, who sell state secrets to powerful crime clans.



18.11.2020. 07:00

Some officials, whether they are ministers, secretaries of state, deputies, mayors or mayors, whose salaries are around 100,000 dinars, drive cars worth 400,000 euros. How, wondered the president of Serbia.

Palata pravde

Palace of Justice, Photo: Tanjug / Zoran Žestić

Insider dealing, insider trading, bid rigging, and log and record reporting are a well-trodden path that public officials go hand in hand with mobsters.

The result of these agreements is a huge amount of money, property and overpriced cars that employees could not obtain with the income they receive by law.

– An official does not earn it with beauty, but as a connoisseur, he sells inside information for certain bids and scenarios. It serves to inform in time about searches, searches and everything that interests criminals. All in all, each of their movements costs the one who uses the service, but the one who pays them earns double, so it is nothing new, it would be said, and by loving highlighting their wealth they only help the police and state authorities. and prosecutors easier to detect. Let’s hope for success – said the criminologist Zlatko Nikolić to “Alo!”, Commenting on the cooperation between public officials and the mafia.

Those deals are so fruitful that some state service gangsters drive 400,000 euros worth of cars, which was also spoken about Monday night by President Aleksandar Vučić, who said that Serbia would defeat the mob.

-When they are photographed in vehicles worth 400,000 euros, and work in the public function, you have to wonder where it came from, who gave it to them and for what -he pointed out and added that gangsters cannot exist without the support of the state system.

Mario Spasić

Mario Spasić, Photo: Hello!

Mario Spasić, general secretary of the Council for Supervision, Human Rights and the Fight against Corruption “Transparency”, also affirms that the state will succeed in separating the wheat from the chaff.

– To be clear, no minister, secretary of state, deputy, mayor or mayor or anyone else should wait and will not receive the support or amnesty of the ruling party for the crime that has developed in the state system. We know that there are high-ranking state officials calling on President Vučić to raise his qualifications, fight the mafia, and develop his businesses. Vučić clearly pointed to the fact that it is impossible to drive a car worth 400,000 euros on a salary of 100,000 dinars. Who are these state mobsters who abuse the trust of these people? How is it possible to buy a backpack for school or a bicycle for your children with dirty money? The state now has the ability to deal with that scum as well, and have no doubt that it will. Minister Vulin got to work and the police professionals came out. The mafia, which privatized the state, is coming to an end – says Spasić.

Alexander Vulin

Aleksandar Vulin, Photo: ALO Ognjen Radosevic

Police Minister Aleksandar Vulin pointed out that there is no place in the country for organized crime, which is as strong as the state.

– In this country, the mafia will not have and cannot have a state of its own – he said, adding that the definition of organized crime speaks of the connection of criminal structures with those who have some decision-making power in the state. He said that some people have been identified, but that it is not the police who decide to publish their identities, but the Prosecutor’s Office.

Stefanovic: The new law will be a blow to them

Nenad Stefanović, president of the Association of Judges and Prosecutors of Serbia, said that the arrogant behavior of those who represent the state should be punished, but also to determine whether there is criminal liability in addition to disciplinary liability. – As of March 11, 2021, the application of the Law of Determination of the Origin of Property and Special Tax will begin. The law stipulates that anyone who does not prove that they legally acquired property will be left without three-quarters of its value, and if the court determines that the property was acquired for a crime, all illegally obtained property will be confiscated. According to the law, those who are suspected or determined to have a difference of more than 150,000 euros between the increase in assets and the income declared for a maximum of three consecutive calendar years will be affected. The burden of proving the increase in property rests with the Tax Administration, while the burden of proving the origin of the property rests with the taxpayer. With this law, the state received an effective mechanism to determine if someone got rich illegally – he concluded.

