These are not the worst numbers, day by day we will have MORE AND MORE INFECTED


The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, pointed out that the last 24 hours are difficult not only for Belgrade, but also for Serbia, but also pointed out that these are not the worst numbers and that the number of infected is expected to increase. .

– I hope I’m wrong, but the number of infected is expected to increase day by day. The Ministry of Health will do everything possible to provide medical care to all patients and there will be many problems, but I am sure that we will be able to do what is expected of the state, Djerlek said on the morning show on TV Pink.

He pointed out that it is essential to work at the level of awareness of the population because it is not at the level that was expected and it is necessary to work urgently to increase it in regard to infectious diseases.

– The WHO has announced more epidemics and pandemics of this type in the next 15 years. The Ministry of Internal Dialogue will deal with the anti-vaccine and anti-pandemic lobby, in order to raise awareness that these are very dangerous diseases, Djerlek added.

Djerlek added that, before the introduction of new measures, we must ask ourselves how consistent we are in the implementation of existing ones.

– We often contradict ourselves. When crisis personnel introduced the curfew, we had a riot because it was a violation of human rights. Now that we behave more leniently, they criticize us again. We need to ask ourselves how consistent we are in implementing existing measures, not just adopting new ones. I have faith in the new Law, where we will orient the strategy towards greater control of existing measures, but I am also in favor of introducing new measures. We cannot afford to destroy the economy we built in previous years in one move, he noted.

According to him, another 450 to 500 places have been provided in Kovid hospitals, and the Special Hospital “Sveti Sava” already filled 50 percent of capacity yesterday, that is, 30 of 60 beds.

– Not only is Belgrade a problem, we have a state problem with capacities. Novi Sad is not in a better situation either and we have a new focus on Zrenjanin. It is also serious in Šumadija, we have a jump of infected people in Niš, the situation is very alarming – said Dr. Đerlek, adding that, with the amendments to the Law on Protection against Infectious Diseases, hospitalization of moderate and severe patients is defined , while asymptomatic patients with mild clinical symptoms go into quarantine.

Dr. Janković: A significant number of people can have lasting consequences

Immunologist Dr. Srdja Jankovic said that it is a pandemic that no one remembers from Spanish fever.

– The virus has shown the ability to spread rapidly, it breaks out as soon as it is given the opportunity to do so. The accelerated expansion is also possible due to the fact that there was not enough consistency in the implementation of the measures, he said.

He explained that most of the people who have had covids will not have consequences, but that those who had a more serious clinical picture may have them.

Photo: Nikola Andjic / Tanjug

– Consequences can happen and a certain number of people will certainly happen. A significant number of people can be left with permanent unfavorable consequences, Janković added.

When it comes to border closures and mandatory testing upon entry into the country, Janković says that care should be taken, but that the current number of patients is not the result of the introduction of the virus from other countries.

– It is important that the epidemiological development system works. At a time when the situation is more favorable, it is important to take care of those who enter the country. Epidemiologists monitor anyone who reports symptoms to monitor the group of contacts. This jump in patients was not caused by the introduction of the virus into the country, but was supported by meetings and activities within the country, Janković concluded.

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