05.01.2021. 08:38
Employment in the public sector has been unfrozen since January 1, but each new worker will have to come under the scrutiny of the Ministry of Finance because it is now the umbrella institution that verifies whether a public company or state administration, and in their financial structures, has coverage for new hires.

Photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović
This is at least defined by the new Regulation on the procedure for obtaining consent for a new job and additional employment with users of public funds, adopted by the Government, which defines the procedure that must be approved before someone gets a job to receive a payment from the public treasury. .
In accordance with this procedure, any public company or competent body of the state administration that, in addition to the number of people already existing, needs to hire new ones, must send a request for approval of new employment to the Commission and the corresponding Ministry at the latest on the fifth of the month, with a detailed explanation. .
Applying for a job in the public sector?
If the ministry that covers its activities evaluates the justification for the request, then at 10 am of the current month, it sends its conclusion to the Ministry of Finance, which considers each individual case. If you consider that hiring new workers is not justified, there will be no new employment.
This practically means that if the Ministry of Energy has approved employment in a public company for which it is responsible, and the Ministry of Finance estimates that there is no financial coverage for the employment of the number of people proposed, the Commission for the approval of new jobs will decline the application for new employees. .
A source from Nemanjina 11 affirms that such provision is defined in such a way that after the unfreezing of employment, an excessive ecology does not occur, which could disturb the financial structure of public companies or some segment of the state administration.

work, office, Photo: Pixbay
– The Ministry of Finance is a kind of filter through which all people whose work will be paid for with public finances must pass. It has a control function that seeks to prevent a possible unnecessary excess of employment that could generate an imbalance in the total planned wage bill and the number of new workers. In other words, the Commission for giving consent for a new job, without the consent of this ministry, which is obliged to deliver that document before the 20th of the month, cannot approve a new job – affirms the interlocutor.
It adds that this procedure was introduced as a precaution and control of the expenditure of public funds.
– At first glance, it may seem that this procedure still supports new jobs on the ice, but that is not true. This is just a matter of additional control and prevention of possible abuses during employment, which were in the previous period. Instructed by previous experiences when in the explanations to give consent, some public companies also gave false information, this procedure wants to avoid it. That is why the Decree provides for a fine of 50,000 to 150,000 dinars if one tries to present data that do not correspond to the real situation, whether it is the current occupation of vacancies according to the current systematization or the expected salary mass – says the source .
By the way, the new Law of the Budgetary System, which will be in force until December 31, 2023, also contemplates certain restrictions. Thus, users of public funds will be able to employ up to 70 percent of those who left a public company or some part of the state administration during the previous year.
This practically means that if 10 employees left an institution in 2020, the maximum number they can hire is seven. These restrictions do not apply to judges, prosecutors and deputy prosecutors, teaching staff of an institution of higher education, and scientific and research staff of an accredited scientific research organization in accordance with the law.
The Government of Serbia has confirmed to us that the Decree on the procedure for obtaining consent for new employment and additional employment with users of public funds has been approved and that it is about the elaboration of the Law on the Budgetary System.