THESE ARE ALL MINISTERS OF THE NEW GOVERNMENT OF SERBIA! Ana Brnabić’s cabinet members swear that salaries will be 900 euros and pensions above 400.


BELGRADE – Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced that the new Serbian government, with 21 departments and two ministers without portfolios, will fight to achieve more than planned. When presenting the proposals of the new government in the National Assembly, he stressed yesterday that difficult times will come, but that Serbia, despite that, in 2025 should be a country with average salaries of 900 euros and average pensions above 400 euros.

Key objectives

Brnabic told MPs that she is proud of the fact that six new ministers and up to 11 women have been nominated who will lead some of the most complex departments of government and face some of the biggest challenges. The prime minister-designate explained that the government would have six key objectives: to fight against kovid 19 and strengthen health, preserve the vital interests of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, fight organized crime and a comprehensive war against the mafia, preserve the Serbian independence and decision-making, reforms on our European path and further economic strengthening of Serbia.

– From this place, I call on the economy and all other factors in society to follow the example we set today – both the Government and you as well as the Assembly, which currently has almost 40 percent of women in parliamentary seats – said Brnabić, who received another consecutive term for the Prime Minister of Serbia.

New energy

In a speech that lasted about an hour and a half, the Prime Minister stated that the changes in the Government show that they listened carefully to what citizens were saying to them in the elections and understood that they had to work even harder and that new knowledge and enthusiasm was needed. . – I ask that we fight, not that we endure the current situation, but that we always try to achieve more. Let us not forget that we are responsible to the Assembly and all citizens and that they are the only ones for whom we work … Serbia must be a country where unemployment is at the level of the Eurozone, a country of modern education and infrastructure, well connected, leader in advanced technologies and digitization. Serbia should be a country with perspective and a country of winners in every way, and for that, each of us must do our best every day – emphasized Brnabić.

Fighting the mafia

One of the main priorities of the new government is the fight against the mafia, which, as the Prime Minister stated, believed that it was stronger than the state and could rule the state. – We are facing a serious fight with organized crime, and that criminals and the mafia will never win and will never be protected. In this fight, the security services must pay special attention to the safety of Vučić, who declared and started a war against this mafia. We are witnessing every day the most monstrous and reckless attacks against him and his family with only one goal: to dehumanize and criminalize him to the extent that every attack, verbal or physical, becomes expected and understandable, Brnabić said.

As he emphasized, the state will provide all protection to all those who fight against crime, be they police, prosecutors, journalists or citizens. “In the fight between the state and the mafia, the state will be victorious, I have no doubt about that,” he said.

Scandal in the Assembly

Kamberi attacked Serbia

The United Valley – SDA representative from Sandzak, Shaip Kamberi, did not choose his words when evaluating the Serbian government in the Assembly and comparing our country with Belarus. Therefore, the President of the Assembly, Ivica Dačić, reacted and warned him to watch his vocabulary. – I do not represent yellow, black or blue, but discriminated Albanians. Who would have thought that the only opposition in the Serbian Parliament would be the Albanians and Bosnians? How sad for democracy. Even Slobodan Milosevic could not produce such a parliament – said, among other things, Kamberi, who began his speech with “Mirdita, good afternoon”. Dacic replied that in Bujanovac, where 50 percent are Serbs, there is no one in power. President Aleksandar Vučić also reacted to Kamberi’s speech, saying that he was happy that someone in Serbia, especially Albanians, could speak about the totalitarian system of Serbia and the position of the communities, without that being possible in some other territories. – I would like to ask if others can speak like this in Pristina and Tirana or elsewhere … A man who expelled 42 percent of Serbs from power in Bujanovac and is seeking a ministerial position with 0.5 percent of the votes talks about the danger of minority communities does not give those who have 42% the right to participate in government – said Vučić.


The average age of the members of the Government: 49 years.

Ana Brnabić (45) – Prime Minister

photo: Tanjug / Rade Prelić

Nikola Selaković (37) – foreign affairs

Aleksandar Vulin (48) – internal affairs

photo: Ministry of Defense

Tatjana Matić (48) – trade, tourism and telecommunications

photo: Ministry of Commerce, Tourism and Telecommunications

Tomislav Momirović (37) – construction, traffic and infrastructure

Siniša Mali (48) – finance

photo: instagram / Siniša Mali

Andjelka Atanaskovic (62) – economy

photo: Курир / Ж.М.

Branislav Nedimović (43) – agriculture, forestry and water management

Irena Vujović (37) – environmental protection

photo: Dado Đilas

Zorana Mihajlović (50) – mining and energy

photo: Beta / Zoran Petrović

Maja Popović (50) – justice

Marija Obradović (46) – state administration and local self-government

photo: Marina Lopicic

Nebojsa Stefanovic (44) – defender

photo: MUP print screen

Milan Krkobabic (68) – care of the people

Ratko Dmitrović (62) – family care and demographics

Gordana Čomić (62) – human and minority rights and social dialogue

photo: Zorana Jevtić

Jadranka Joksimović (42) – European integration

photo: Mirko Tabasević

Darija Kisić Tepavčević (45): work, employment, veterans and social issues

photo: Tanjug / Sava Radovanović

Branko Ružić (45) – education, science and technological development

photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic

Zlatibor Lončar (49) – health

photo: Printscreen TV Pink

Maja Gojković (57) – culture and information

photo: Nemanja Nikolić

Vanja Udovicic (38) – youth and sporty Nenad Popovic (54) – without wallet

Novica Toncev (58) – without wallet

photo: Marina Lopicic

Ivana Kljajić


Ana Brnabić (45) – Prime Minister Nikola Selaković (37) – Foreign affairs Aleksandar Vulin (48) – Internal affairs Tatjana Matić (48) – Trade, tourism and telecommunications Tomislav Momirović (37) – Construction, traffic and infrastructure Siniša Mali (48 ) – finance Andjelka Atanaskovic (62) – economics Branislav Nedimovic (43) – agriculture, forestry and water management Irena Vujovic (37) – environmental protection Zorana Mihajlovic (50) – mining and energy Maja Popovic (50) – justice Marija Obradovic (46) – state administration and local self-government Nebojsa Stefanovic (44) – defense Milan Krkobabic (68) – care for the people Ratko Dmitrovic (62) – family care and demography Gordana Comic (62) – human and minority rights and dialogue social Jadranka Joksimovic (42)) – European integration Darija Kisić Tepavčević (45) – work, employment, veterans and social issues Branko Ružić (45) – education, science and technological development Zlatibor Lončar (49) – health Maj a Gojković (57) – culture and information e Vanja Udovicic (38) – youth and sports Nenad Popovic (54) – without wallet Novica Toncev (58) – without wallet

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Author: delivery courier
