People are mentally and physically depleted of information, often suspicious, and prone to conspiracy theories. But now is not the time to give up! As difficult as it is for us at the moment, there are at least four reasons why it is extremely important that we not get infected right now.
If you do not follow the measures, you will be infected very easily, since, as the epidemiologist Predrag Kon recently pointed out, the virus “ran into families”. When that happens, there is a justified concern that you will not be able to receive treatment in the hospital.
Already last week the hospital capacities of the capital were filled. Even with the main blow of this third wave, all members of the crisis staff have made a decision: only the most difficult cases will be solved!
So if you also have mild pneumonia, there is a high chance that you will be discharged for home treatment in order to free up beds for more difficult patients. To more vividly describe how dire the situation is, let’s put an MMA with 1,200 beds in total for comparison, and every day, all of them! – We have had 6,000-7,000 new infected for some time. Five complete MMA. Everyday!
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Even if you enter the hospital, it is happiness, but in an accident! First, it means you have a more difficult clinical picture, and doctors and medical staff are never more exhausted than right now, when they have been battling thousands of patients for days.
Today, around 2,400 healthcare workers are infected with the corona virus, and 60 of them are in hospital!
At the same time, since the end of October, the number of hospitalized has skyrocketed and is breaking all records, so with more than 7,000 new infections a day, we have more than 7,200 hospitalized at any given time.
The facts are clear: the doctors are on the verge of force. Relentlessly, with horrible changes in the red zones of covid, they do not have the energy to dedicate themselves to patients in the same way as at the beginning of the epidemic.

Photo by N. Skenderija
It is not the same when 100 doctors, nurses and technicians in rest attend to 100 people and when the same 100, but now exhausted and without energy, they serve 1,100 or 2,100, and so on throughout November.
KBC “Zvezdara” director Petar Svorcan today gave just one interesting piece of information: 7 tons of oxygen is consumed daily in his hospital, which is enough for half a year under normal circumstances. Someone needs to connect that oxygen and soon there will be no one.
If you get to the hospital and get better, you will probably have to put someone in a much worse condition to bed right away. Because while I was in the hospital, every day 5,000, 6,000, 7,000, maybe 8,000 new people were infected. Everyday. And among them, who knows how many of them have the most difficult clinical picture that they have to go to the hospital to survive. You will need to be discharged from the hospital and you are still far from a full crown recovery, which can leave horrible long-term consequences on your body.
This was confirmed today by the infectologist Mijomir Pelemis, who said that the capacity was full: all those who do not need oxygen will be transferred to Nis or Kragujevac, and a seriously ill person will take their place immediately.

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If you have survived the coronavirus with pneumonia, recovery takes 6 weeks. The best thing would be for doctors in hospital conditions to send his recovery to the end. However, that will not be possible, because let’s go back to the beginning: there are only seriously ill patients in hospitals.
More and more companies are closer to the only sure salvation from the corona virus: the vaccine. According to the experts’ announcements, the doses are also quite safe for Serbia. And no matter how long some people endure, the vaccine is humanity’s greatest achievement and can lead us, if not to the end, then at least to the beginning of the end.
It is just an accident to get badly ill right now, never having fewer places in the hospital, never again exhausted doctors, and never getting close to the vaccine.

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