“There will be no ace police in Belgrade”


Deputy Mayor Goran Vesi said today that there will be no police officers in Belgrade, but that it is necessary to strictly respect the existing protection measures.

Source: Tanjug

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Screenshot / TV first

“No more ace of the police will be talked about, because that would not achieve any results,” Vesi told Tanjug.

Belgrade is on the verge of a coronavirus epidemic, in which the highest number of confirmed cases have been recorded, and therefore it is necessary to follow the existing protection measures more strictly, Vesi emphasized.

He stated that 90 percent of citizens respect the measures and adhere to them, as well as, as he says, 99 percent of catering companies.

“It is time to have fun with how to convince and force those who do not respect the measures, to adhere to them, because everyone else is suffering because of them,” Vesi said.

He said that it is necessary to change the law that would allow a greater number of officials – police, community police, inspectors, to monitor compliance with existing measures.

“In the Penal Code there are criminal acts such as the intentional spread of infection during the epidemic. Whoever organizes the urk on the river, on the raft that is released at 11 at night, is criminally responsible, not the children who come to the urk, ”said Vesi.

He appealed to citizens to respect epidemiological measures, adding that each measure is discussed mainly from the point of view of health, but also from the economy.

“Our economy must work, because then we will have enough money for health workers, for equipment. If you don’t work, there will be no money, ”Vesi said, adding that 40,000 people work in catering in Belgrade and should be paid.

“That is why I call on all the citizens of Belgrade, and our guests, to follow the measures more strictly, wear masks and not go to the celebrations organized by certain arrogant caterers,” Vesi warned.

He said that a few days ago there was a case in which the owner of an illegal dining room attacked and injured a communal policeman, around two after midnight.

“She should be held responsible for the attack on the official and that is why she deliberately tried to infect her guests. In that way, we can ensure that people live in the city and that people earn money, and at the same time protect the health of citizens. Vesi said.

That, he says, is the only real way out of this epidemic.

“I understand doctors and nurses, I know that it is not easy and that they are overwhelmed, and we will help them by taking action,” Vesi concluded.
