There was more talk about the crown in schools, and here is the position on MITIGATION OF MEASURES


The measures so far have paid off, and Serbia is on the right track in the fight against the corona virus, said the deputy director of the Institute “Trampoline”, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, after the regular meeting of crisis personnel.

Students are invited to wear masks and protect their own health and the health of others.

– What is very important, we must emphasize that the ‘Trampolín’ Institute has made a set of precise protocols, which includes all possible situations, including the appearance of the virus in this environment and will react according to these guidelines if this virus appears in the school environment – he said. is Kisic Tepavcevic for RTS.

He notes that this is certain to happen at some point, but notes that with the use of all preventive measures, that risk is minimized.

More than 30 people only in cultural events

According to “Telegraf”, the crisis staff also discussed whether to allow the gathering of a greater number of people than 30 for events that are not cultural, because there are many demands for such a thing. However, no new mitigation decision has been made today.

– It should be like this at least until we enter the safe zone of up to 25 new patients per 100,000 inhabitants. We remain at 32, that number remains. There are many requests for various demonstrations both outdoors and indoors. With regard to culture, it is clearly indicated by what measures they can be maintained. But, there are different requests for catering and entertainment, and that part cannot get through, and if we put that part aside, then we have to put weddings aside, and weddings have caused us a lot of problems, said Dr. Tiodorović.

He also claims that the Belgrade Fair is asking to start work, but that a decision has not been made yet.

– If the situation improves, we can decide in the next session. The car show and other fairs can be organized and controlled, but the situation is not yet such that we can be completely sure, says Dr. Tiodorović.

The day’s crisis staff will hold a press conference at 3 pm, and epidemiologists Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević and Dr. Predrag Kon will speak at it.

Video: WHO: all the symptoms of the coronavirus
