THERE WAS A TIME WHEN I WAS AFRAID: “Dara de Jasenovac” about the details of the shoot and the painful scenes


When asked how difficult it was for her to experience the character of ten-year-old Dare, whose mother and older brother were killed by the Ustashas, ​​and cope with a story as painful as Jasenovac’s, Biljana said there was moments. when she was afraid.

– Those scenes of Ustashas in black uniform when they shoot, torture and kill people and children in the camp are terrible, just like the scenery we filmed on. You know this is not really happening, but you are still afraid, because you remember that these crimes against our people really did happen, and that the Ustash did everything for the people. Dara was left alone in the camp with her younger brother, who is still a baby, and it was not easy to play.

As she points out, Biljana sees her heroine as a very brave and strong girl, who in that horror of Jasenovac has to fight for her brother’s life and her own.

– Perhaps the most difficult thing for me was to represent the scene in which I hold my little brother in my arms and tell him that I love him. It is very emotional for me, because I would do everything in my life for my loved ones, and that is the similarity between Dara and me.

Biljana lives with her father, brother, sister and grandmother, and is very close to her family, which, as she reveals, gave her the most support for this film.

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