THERE WAS A FIGHT FOR LIFE OR DEATH: the mayor of Preševo ​​recovered, thanked Lončar


Among other things, Arifi thanked the medical staff for the treatment, but also the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, who, he said, promised that all patients would be treated as professionally as possible.

– I thank the medical staff of the Presevo Health Center, as well as the medical staff of the Nis hospital for their professional and humane treatment and the Minister of Health, who promised me that all patients, regardless of their nationality, will be treated with the professionalism possible – said Arifi and broadcasts Kosovo online.

He added that, after spending a few days in the hospital, he returned to his “family in Presevo.”

– Without exaggeration, I can tell you that I went through a health challenge like never before, it was even a confrontation and a fight for life or death – Arifi wrote.

He asked his fellow citizens to observe a minute of silence to pay tribute to all those who lost their lives in the global pandemic and pray for all those infected with the corona virus.

On November 15, Arifi announced that his health condition was serious and that he was admitted to a hospital in Nis.

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