There may be a VACATION EXTENSION, some types of closure, and MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS


In Belgrade, there is a renewed growth of patients with the coronavirus and the epidemiological situation nationwide is changing from unfavorable to extraordinary, noted epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon.

– There are 1,106 infected people in Belgrade, which is a resurgence. That one day break we had was worth nothing. Now we will see the consequences of last weekend because those who were infected at that time are registering. We expect growth to continue over the next week, but then at least slightly reduce this sudden increase in the number of infected people that we have had so far – noted Dr. Kon as a guest on TV Pink.

He added that “the situation in Belgrade is critical”, that hospital capacities are being filled at high speed and that a temporary solution is being sought in the form of accommodation for patients from Belgrade, who may be outside the capital.

Regarding his statement on Facebook last night, where he asked citizens to take care of their health and not go out during the weekend, Dr. Kon noted that he “feels the need to express themselves clearly about that topic”.

– We haven’t met at Crisis Staff for a long time and that should change. The weekend is approaching, the time when most infections occur in Belgrade, especially in conditions where the music is blaring and where we lean towards each other and shout to be heard. These are situations that greatly affect the virus – he explained.

He added that these situations should be avoided and “for the first time this weekend should not be allowed”, and that the circumstances within the night line should be avoided, and that the prohibition to work is not the only way to do it.

– I can’t talk about how it can be resolved before a decision is made. Since October 21, we have a Decree on behavior during the kovid epidemic – says Kon, with the explanation that the emergency situation in Belgrade has not been extinguished at any time.

He pointed out that the coffee measures were implemented in Germany, where catering services run until 11 at night, but loud music is prohibited and serving alcohol after 9 at night can also be a solution in our country.

However, as hot spots appear in other cities, the percentage of patients in Belgrade has dropped to 43 percent in the overall structure. As Dr. Cohn says, “where there used to be a mass of patients, now it is to be expected that there are fewer, but that should not be misleading because there are still those who do not have sufficiently developed immunity.”

Pressure on the healthcare system

– We have no special protection, except that until now we have had a conscience that took us out of two waves. Masks must be worn without concessions and those who deliberately fail to wear them consecutively from day to day or from weekend to weekend should be penalized. That cannot go unnoticed and unauthorized, Dr. Kon emphasizes.

He adds that the health system has twice shown that it is ready and capable, but that it is now exhausted because health workers are also infected, creating additional pressure.

– There are between 10 and 15 percent of people who ridicule the measures, do not accept that any of this exists and are a potential important carrier of the virus. That puts great pressure on the health system, says the epidemiologist.

Encounter of covida and unlikely flu

– We are in the middle of a wave, the kovid is present, immunity is lowered, and therefore the leukocytes and lymphocytes, and the flu behaves in a similar way. They won’t go together, but it is possible to catch up in December, says Dr. Kon.

He points out that it will be difficult for these two viruses to go together and that there is a great chance that the flu will regress against a more dominant and invasive virus like kovid, but that it would not be good for those who have had kovid due to weakened immunity. .

The tests are delayed, waiting for the vaccine.

– I heard there is a delay in test results, but it happens as soon as a large number of people start testing. Work must be done to solve that problem. The requirement is that the results are ready within 24 hours, anything in excess of that time period can be tolerated, but the waiting period should not exceed 36 hours. Certainly, a patient who has problems should be treated while awaiting the result, noted Dr. Kon.

He also pointed out that the treatment protocols are not made public, and that only infectologists know about them, but that we must also prepare for the arrival of the vaccine.

Photo: Luca Bruno / Tanjug / AP

– First, health workers will be vaccinated and that will be mandatory. The vaccination plan will depend on the amount of vaccine and has not yet been developed. You have to see which groups are the absolute priority and how the groups that received it reacted by then – he explains.

Clinical picture

Those who “listen, ask, and seek more information about symptoms,” according to Dr. Kona, are certainly employed in clinical centers.

– When there is a massive increase in the number of infected, there are more people with a more severe clinical picture in hospitals, and there is a picture that the virus is more invasive, but epidemiologically, in relation to the total number of patients, it is not you see a big change – says Dr. Kon, adding that kovid is a systemic disease, which is not only pneumonia, but has many different manifestations.

When there are cases of people who have been infected by this virus twice, according to the data and the experience of our health workers, it is not common to have a severe clinical picture the second time.

– It is still a rare phenomenon, the clinical picture is milder when the virus reappears, but it has not been fully examined. Initially, the WHO estimated that the antibodies lasted from 12 to 18 months, but research estimated that they lasted from three to four months, although they could, in certain cases, last up to six. Immunological memory is very important, it is possible that they rapidly produce antibodies in repeated contact with the virus, but that is not yet known – says Kon.

Extended vacation

The long vacation, which the Minister of Education Branko Ružić mentioned as an option, is an option for, as Dr. Kon says, primary schools.

– In elementary schools, we are seriously thinking about the fact that it would be useful to extend the holidays. The system is designed so that classes don’t have to be shortened, but when you’re already on vacation, it makes sense to extend it. There were groups in three secondary schools in Belgrade. There were 61 new cases of the infection in secondary schools and 57 in elementary schools last week, which is two and a half times more than before and that number will increase. We would combine long vacations with other measures that can be applied – says Dr. Kon.

When asked why doctors don’t send some children who have temperatures for testing, she explains that referral for testing is a decision of the pediatrician.

– It was decided that the children should be referred first to the Kovid clinic or to the chosen pediatrician, so the health center will decide whether to send the child for the test, depending on the clinical picture. The spread of respiratory infections in children is massive. Now it has decreased compared to previous years due to the use of masks. Therefore, the test is left to the decision of the pediatrician. They have several stages in decision-making: blood imaging, swab, if the number of leukocytes decreases and other symptoms of covid – adds Kon.

There will be no curfew

Dr. Kon notes that the epidemic will last, but not in waves, because it is “characterized by cyclicality.”

– In Belgrade, we are on the rise in the fifth week, next week should be the maximum and then we should flatten the curve. Should discount in December. Our people come for Christmas and New Years, we will see how it will be celebrated – says Kon.

He adds that the question is what we consider a “lockdown” because “one thing is what was in a state of emergency and it will probably never happen again, but it exists as a last resort.”

– On the other hand, a certain type of imprisonment, in the sense that certain things are prohibited, will surely occur, and if there are restrictions on movement, it will be defined in another way, not in the form of a curfew – Kon concluded.

VIDEO: Why do we lose our sense of taste when we get infected with the corona virus?
