There is no room for intensive care, so this is the third time we have entered the kovid system!


To this day, the Banjica Orthopedic Institute is in the kovid system for the third time.

– It is necessary to enter the kovid system for the third time because, above all, there is a lack of places in intensive care, while at the moment there are enough places in the wards of the health system. We are asked for a large number of places, so at the moment we are opening 17 intensive places and 30 departmental places in the hospital, half of which are oxygen. if more places are needed, we will expand the capacities – says Kurir prof. Dr. Zoran Baščarević, Director of the Banjica Orthopedic Institute.

He claims they just emptied the hospital and sent the last orthopedic patient, and the first kovid patients will arrive in an hour.

– We refer patients to the KCS Orthopedic Clinic and the Military Medical Academy. Three orthopedic surgeons from Banjica will transfer to the Military Medical Academy tomorrow because they have serious problems with orthopedic personnel. At this time, those of us who lack anesthesiologists the most, of the 18 we have, eight are infected – says Baščarević and adds that in the third wave they had 65 infected among the employees, in the last days they did not have them, and that in the two first 30 waves had 19.


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Author: delivery courier
