There is no relaxation, the number increases in BG, we will seek to lift the state of emergency and the prohibition of movement as soon as possible


VUCIC OVER THE CROWN: Without relaxation, the number is increasing in BG, we will seek to lift the state of emergency and the prohibition of movement as soon as possible

Photo: Instagram Printscreen / Future of Serbia

But even when we abolish it, when we live normally, it will be normal in quotes. We will always have to take care of ourselves …

ANCIENT PAZOVA – President Aleksandar Vucic said again today that we should not think that we have ended the coronary virus, but that everyone should be responsible and disciplined.

“As the situation in Nis has calmed down, as a result of discipline, as a result of discipline, we have a problem with the uprising in Belgrade,” Vucic told reporters in Stara Pazova.

He stressed that it was all a matter of discipline and responsibility, and urged everyone to be careful not to think that everything was gone.

“We will try to lift the state of emergency and the movement prohibits as soon as possible, but also when we abolish it, when we live normally, it will be normal under the signs. We will always have to be careful,” Vucic said.


Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
