The numbers are inexorable, a difficult weekend is behind us and the pressure on admission to the KC Nis kovid facility will grow, said prof. Dr. Radmilo Janković, Deputy Director of the UCC Nis and Director of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Clinic of the UCC.
He noted that 400 very, very difficult patients were hospitalized and that more than three-quarters were from Nis.
– We have lost a lot of people and the city has been quite sad in recent weeks. When you ask them, while they can still talk, they will say they don’t know where they got infected. The intensive care unit is almost full, more than 100 patients, which we have never had – emphasized Dr. Janković.
He noted that the appeals no longer made any sense.
– This behavior is unacceptable, imagine health workers. And yesterday we saw scenes that do not serve the honor of society, if we get to the point that in a couple of years they teach us in epidemiology textbooks how not to work, it happened last night in front of the old railway station. This spite is useless, it is Russian roulette that we play with health.
He added that the resources will not have the effect that is now necessary to break the chain of contagion.
– The curve will grow in the coming days, adherence to the measures has no effect, all these dramatic stories have no effect, but any measure is better in relation to the situation than there is none – he said.
Dr. Janković concludes that there is no room for easing measures.
– I think there is no place to make the measures more flexible, the only way is to even expand the measures. We have questioned vaccination, but a good principle and one way is to reach all citizens – said Dr. Janković.
(Kurir.rs/ RTS)

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