There is no order or distance: patient complaints about the work of the Nis Society Oncology Clinic



May 12, 2020. 07:23 |

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Oncology patients at Nis are not satisfied with the way of scheduling and examination. Citizens fear that while waiting to be called, they may become infected

LARGE crowds that reigned during the epidemic in front of the Oncology Clinic (former Eye Clinic) in Nis continue even after the state of emergency was lifted. Patients in cities in southeastern Serbia wait hours each day for therapy or consultation. The scheduling procedure does not work, so it is inevitable to wait several hours in a crowd and without the assigned distance between people. The administration of the Clinical Center affirms the opposite and adds that the patients are “protected to the maximum of the infection or the additional danger of immunity with the prescribed therapy”.

However, “Novosti” reporters were in Nis oncology, and the scene they found did not correspond to the official “truth”.

Rajko Vulić from Ćićevac brought his cousin Dragan N. to the council half an hour before the scheduled time at 8.30. All the time, they both stand in a crowd in front of the clinic. He notes that there is a commotion and that no one knows who is online, nor is there an orderly organization to enter the hospital.

– The cousin is not feeling well, and he is also worried about the risk of infection, because we are all standing together. As soon as one of the staff members appears at the door, everyone enters, both the sick and the escort, because there is no order to know who should enter and when. If healthy people realize that this is not the time to relax, how can sick people protect themselves when treated like this? Vulić is outraged.

Due to this (de) organization, patients are forced to maintain order on their own, in order to reduce the risk of infection. Only a few have been informed about the mandatory tests for the coronavirus.

– The mother was supposed to receive therapy on Wednesday, but only when we arrived were we told that she should receive the test result for kovid 19 and a biochemical blood test no longer than 72 hours. We switched up to four ambulances to finish it, Savić testified. He publicly asks what the purpose of the schedule is if the most difficult patients wait several hours.


PATIENTS attending scheduled consultations and therapies should undergo a kovid 19 test. In order not to go to kovid clinics and to be in contact with the infected, we have ensured that the tests are performed on the clinic premises. . Patients who do not belong to the Nis branch of RHIF must undergo tests at their home institutions, they explain in the Management of KC Nis.
