There is no indication that it is exercise


The recording of the conversation between actress Daniela Steinfeld and actor Branislav Lecic, which was published this Monday by Insider and that the actress gave the prosecution with other evidence, is part of a conversation longer than 77 minutes, which was analyzed by the New York. Times. The American newspaper analyzed the entire video to verify Branislav Lečić’s claim that they actually practiced dialogue. After analyzing the recording, the New York Times concludes that there is no indication that the conversation on the recording is a dialogue rehearsal.

The New York Times describes in an extensive text the entire chronology of the events that occurred in the case of the actress Daniela Steinfeld, her confession about what happened in May 2012, when, she claims, she was raped by her colleague Branislav Lecic. The American newspaper writes about why he decided to move to the United States after that, why he did not report the case to the competent institutions, why he decided to talk about it in his author’s film “Heal Me” after nine years and why it did not. wants to reveal his name until recently.

On Monday, the source published the confession of Danijela Steinfeld, who later publicly accused Branislav Lečić for the first time of rape and recounted what happened to him in front of the camera.

The New York Times also reports the statement by Branislav Lečić, who denies having sex with his colleague Daniel Steinfeld, as well as raping her in 2012.

“I never had sexual relations with her. Everything else would be a lie,” reports the American newspaper the statement that Lečić sent them through the WhatsApp application.

The document cites Lecic’s claim that the audio recording of the conversation during a restaurant meeting with Daniel in 2016 is incomplete.

On Monday, the source published a part of the one minute and 45 second audio recording, which Danijela Steinfeld presented to the prosecution, and Lecic’s voice is clearly heard in the recording, which does not deny the fact but even says that it should have done it. been part of what he liked.

In a statement to the New York Times, Lecic claims that they met to discuss possible cooperation, and that a longer version of the recording reveals a larger context: that they were actually just improvising a dialogue and that she probably claimed he was her. attacked in order. to gain publicity for your movie.

“Maybe he was expecting something more, maybe because nothing happened, he wants revenge and maybe he wants to build his story through me,” Lecic told the New York Times adding. “Bad marketing is marketing too.”

However, the newspaper claims that Daniela Steinfeld submitted a complete recording of 77 minutes of conversation, which normally lasted about 90 minutes, and recorded it until her phone’s battery ran out.

After analyzing the entire recording, the New York Times concludes: “Parts of their conversation are incomprehensible and are congested by the noise of space. However, there is no indication that they practiced dialogue. Although the voices are muffled and the conversation to She often seems friendly, Steinfeld’s voice getting higher when she describes how much what he did hurt her. Lecic responds in a way that indicates that he thinks she agreed with what happened. “

The New York Times also refers to media reports, mainly tabloids in Serbia, which accused Daniel of even lying that she was raped to promote this auteur film.

The document notes that, although Serbia has taken steps to promote women’s rights in recent years, sexual harassment and assault both in Serbia and in the region remain rarely reported, with victims dominated by feelings of shame.
