There is no government or opposition in the fight against the virus, we must all be ON THE SAME SIDE


The Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Veterans and a member of the crisis staff of the Government of Serbia, Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, said tonight that she hoped that the measures that took place today will yield results in the coming days and called on the citizens to respect them.

– I think the new decisions did not surprise anyone, the virus is now spreading around the world. We have seen a huge increase in the incidence of the disease in recent weeks. We have been talking about the same for eight months, you have to respect the basic measures, and that is wearing masks and keeping your distance, everything else is the way we try to make people respect these measures. Lately, most of the infected people can work, for whom we knew in the anamnesis that they were at celebrations, festivities, said Dr. Kisić Tepavčević and added.

– I appeal to the citizens to adhere to the measures. It’s a time of year that we all love very much, but now it must be very different. “The life we ​​had before will come back, but now we have to be strong,” he said.

Commenting on criticism from some of the opposition parties that the measures should be even tougher, Dr. Kisić Tepavčević stated that we must all be on the same side.

– In the fight against the coronavirus there is no opposition or government, we must all be on the same side – said the minister.

Asked whether additional measures would be introduced, as well as whether they could include a driving ban, the minister said that she hoped that the measures adopted today by the government will yield results in the next ten days.

– No other would be needed to adhere to the two basics. We didn’t say anything about the movement ban. Slowly, one by one, we hope that the measures we have taken today will take effect. We hope it will pay off in the next few days. We can see that in ten days, so we will see if it is necessary to tighten the measures. And now there was a proposal that the work of the catering facilities be limited to 6 pm – said Dr. Kisić Tepavčević.

The measures being taken around the world are the same, explained Dr. Kisić Tepavčević, only states are trying to make them as efficient as possible in different ways.

– The measures that we believe are the best at any given time are adopted at all times. Kovid has long overcome health problems. If we look at all these measures, the entire professional public is talking about one and the same, and states are trying to make them as efficient as possible with regulations, he explained.

The Minister also referred to the state of health of Patriarch Irinej.

“According to the latest information, Patriarch Irinej is in a stable condition,” he said.

It should be remembered that in recent days, Serbia has experienced a dramatic increase in the number of people infected with the corona virus. In the last 24 hours, 11,527 people were tested, of which 3,482 tested positive, while unfortunately 20 people died. Taking these data into account, the Government of Serbia took further action in today’s session. As of Tuesday, November 17, in the period from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., you will not be able to do anything other than pharmacies, gas stations and services that take care of food delivery.

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