23.02.2021. 22:10
The sea of information to which children are exposed on the Internet is dominated by those that excite, especially in games. Constant and excessive arousal always leads to depression. These are children who have no joy, only anxiety, says clinical psychologist Dr. Vlajko Panović for Sputnik, on the occasion of the latest child suicides that are shaking Serbia.

Ambulance, Photo: Hello
A 17-year-old girl in Kruševac committed suicide by jumping out of the hospital window, and a few days later a 10-year-old boy was found hanged in an apartment in Belgrade. While awaiting official police reports on these tragedies, the public speculates that the boy took his own life as a result of gambling, a popular “challenge” on the Internet. In statements to the media, those who knew the children, claim that it could not be concluded that something was wrong with them.
Clinical psychologist Dr. Vlajko Panović says for Sputnik that the suicides of these children, although the reasons are certainly different, are probably connected by the same cause: depression.
Panovic explains that children and young people on the Internet are constantly exposed to manipulations, sensations and excitations that lead them to that state. Many contents are dangerous, especially games:
“It is a modern phenomenon. When a person is kept under voluntary stress for a few hours, expends resources on adaptation and after a time is completely exhausted, he slowly falls into a depression that deepens. Children are too involved in different screens, when parents do it, they finally realize it, they start to introduce restrictions or sanctions, but it’s a double-edged sword, ”says Panović.
Emphasizing that he has no intention of condemning anyone, because that is also a phenomenon of this time, our interlocutor says that parents retaliate against their children, because they unconsciously promote their selfishness.

Investigation, police, Photo: TANJUG / ZORAN ZESTIC
“A boy from Novi Sad committed suicide, because while he was playing, he even fought with the Satanists. In the end, he committed suicide during a family lunch. He left a message that they had the wrong image of him being good. That’s the only cliché, it’s good, where you leave it, you find it, ”says Panović, adding that parents, regardless of the child’s age, need to know what kind of content they are exposed to on the Internet.
Our interlocutor, who deals with the problems of the modern family, treating the addiction to new technologies of younger patients, says that, although we are not prepared to accept it, we must understand that at a global level there is a kind of war against man in which we all participate, we can lose contact with the child, not recognize depression.
“Nobody wonders why children do not like life, why they do not love their body, why they do not have a conscious dimension, and that is what we as parents and educators and the whole culture must give back, among other things. . things like body worship, health, but not in the way that children find again on the Internet, ”says Panović.
He adds that the recipe for a healthy life is simple and familiar to all, so it is easy to recognize if a child is in a problem to which we contribute ourselves. The first thing to pay attention to is the change of rhythm of day and night, which leads to depression.
“Children who are still growing should go to bed at 9, and adults at 10, which is the ideal time for a good rest and brain renewal. When I say that, I always risk laughing at myself, well, they succumbed to the pressure of the majority, they say that then life “Life can start in the morning, now it is a problem of civilization, that is why it is important to force the beauty and culture of behavior through the media. I treat others, the body, “says Panovic.
He adds that we deal with this important issue only sporadically, when tragedy strikes. Even worse, he warns, until the next tragedy, only what leads to it is forced again. That is why we must deal with the dignity of life, not the darkness.
“When he heard the latest black news, my grandson, who is in the seventh grade, asked me, grandfather, why they kill children. Children understand the phenomenon of death after the seventh or eighth year, but parents should not grapple with the phenomenon of death, but with the phenomenon “Affirming the values that restore the dignity of life. What I mean are philosophical issues that their editors cannot pass up, because newspapers need sensation, spectacle, emotion, cherry and life, and that is tragic for civilization, “Panovic said.
He adds that it is easy to notice if children run away from themselves because we are exposed to the same stimuli of modern civilization, but that we must not lose sight of the fact that the little ones, while we are away, are exposed to innumerable perfidious manipulations on the Internet. According to him, therapy, which is also prevention, is very simple.
“We need to force what Dostoevsky said: beauty. As an aid to working with patients, I use the orientation towards beauty, I give each one a task, photograph my flowers, streets, trees, children, to pay attention to what They are not enough. Every parent with their child can apply this system. What the group imposes on them, “says Panović.
He adds that parents should help children to understand the content they consume, from any screen, to sit next to them and follow what they are watching, and above all to train. To remember that they educate, they establish rules. The worst thing we can do is buy a computer or a phone and let the child choose the content.
“You have a law that is almost universal. When you ban their TV, the children complain a bit, because they have an alternative, when you ban their laptop, they resist and give their parents online classes as an argument, where the parents give in, but the greatest drama occurs when, at the same time, he is the greatest enemy of the relationship between parents and children, ”said the doctor.
He adds that parents must, first of all, teach their children to use the Internet, but to actually use it, to benefit them.
“However, the most important thing is that parents change their behavior, to be in their children’s lives in such a way that children accept their patterns, and not the media concepts that lead to depression and even suicide. That is difficult for parents, because they are full of pride and prejudice, they do not understand the situation in which the child finds himself, children are in great temptations, never harder, never worse, they are offered everything and everything “, he concludes Panović.