There is a big problem with the vaccine!



20.12.2020. 22:55

Nestorović also stressed that the pandemic will have to “calm down” at some point.

Branimir Nestorović

Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Printscreen

On tonight’s edition of the “Hit Tweet” program, Dr. Branimir Nestorović spoke about vaccination and pointed out that people who were lying koron virusand should not be vaccinated again.

– These people should not be vaccinated. It is already well known that immunity after you have undergone the crown is excellent, everyone who has had it before still has immunity, said Dr. Nestorović.

He then drew attention to the major vaccine manufacturers and said that they used some completely new technologies for the production of “Pfizer” and “Modern” vaccines, while “Sputnik V” and the Oxford vaccine were manufactured according to a proven method.

– There is another problem, of a political nature. For example, you are vaccinated with the Russian vaccine, and tomorrow you will not be able to enter the countries of the European Union. They just say, “We don’t recognize it” – Nestorovic said.

He drew people’s attention to the fact that mass vaccination is a great job in terms of logistics, and stated that the proof of this is the statement by Emanuel Macron: that vaccination will be possible in France only in March and April.

Nestorović also stressed that the pandemic will have to “calm down” at some point.

– There is no pandemic that has lasted more than two years. Every virus is extinguished in a moment – said the famous pulmonologist, and then spoke about the various interests of pharmaceutical companies related to vaccines.

– It is a huge amount of money, a lot of vaccines, millions of doses involved. The pharmaceutical industry smelled that this was good business. And then that Bill Gates announced. The other day, he made a strange statement, that there will be no return to normality until we are all vaccinated, and that the pandemic will continue for a few more years. Bill Gates was well informed – said Nestorović.
