There are realistic predictions that we will have MORE THAN 1000 INFECTED


“We are preparing for the worst possible scenarios. The predictions that there will be more than a thousand are realistic if this rate continues. This logically tells us that we have more reservoirs and that we are threatened by a greater number of infected people,” said the member of Crisis staff and new government minister. From Serbia Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

Commenting on his colleague Professor Branislav Tiodorović’s statement that a curfew will be introduced if more than 1,500 people are infected a day, he said that these are some arbitrary borders where measures would be expected to tighten.

– If we adhere to the measures, we would not need rigorous measures, because we do not comply with them, we need them. I can not specify the answer when there will be new measures – he pointed out.

It also says that it will not allow the virus to spread uncontrollably.

– About 730 people are in hospitals. “Arena” has also begun to receive … That does not mean that the capacities in the existing hospitals are full, and the main strategy of the WHO is to hospitalize only moderate and severe pneumonia – says Dr. Kisić.

She says that a nightmare is a situation where not all patients can be cared for.

– We see how the corona spreads explosively, the entire population is more resistant. We still don’t know anything about the duration of immunity. It seems that we are taking advantage of a place, he explains.

She says reinfections have been noticed around the world, including in our country, for the third time.

Crisis headquartersPhoto: Zoran Žestić / Tanjug

Crisis headquarters

– In summer, we behave more relaxed, it is human, but the virus is waiting for it – says the doctor.

Kisic Tepavcevic also says that Europe is now the center of attention.

– We see how China quickly began to keep the virus under control, only with these measures that we are constantly talking about – concluded the doctor.
