There are people who do not accept that the crown exists at all! BRUTALLY HONEST ABOUT SWEDEN, THEY DID THE OLDER TO DIE


BELGRADE – There are people who do not accept that the crown exists at all, there are always around 10 percent of them, said a respected epidemiologist and Crisis Staff member, who is visiting the Kurir Television studio live this afternoon.

Kon said that if we all wore masks en masse always and in every situation, we would be protected, and 300,000 fewer would surely die. For now, distance, hand washing and masks are currently our best defense because it is not just the SSO position – Dr. Kon said, adding that it is a general position.

– We have a strong increase, especially in Belgrade, where out of 512 new infections, 240 were registered in the capital, said epidemiologist Predrag Kon in an exclusive interview for Kurir television.

He also noticed that the capital increase is going exponentially, yesterday the number of positives in the crown was 155, which means that it is increasing by a similar percentage day by day, and this situation is slowly changing from unfavorable to extraordinary!

– There is space to accommodate patients, but the acceleration is very great and we have more time to negotiate. Or the use of a mask will be respected where it is mandatory and is different to wear a mask correctly, it is useless if you do not have it on your nose and mouth, repeated Dr. Kon.

He added that we had numerous celebrations in June, a lot of graduations, birthdays, weddings that were waiting, then we had a crown blast and the most deaths – up to 18 in one day.

There were graduations and celebrations in June, and now the season of celebrations awaits us, what does Dr. Kon say about it? He said that Minister Lončar had already spoken with the patriarch, so the glory should be celebrated in the family circle.

– As far as celebrations are concerned, there will be an increase in the number of patients, that’s true, and deaths can only be seen later, what is happening now will be seen in two or three weeks – added Dr. Kon and said the situation is worrying.

Will he be vaccinated?

Dr. Kon said that fewer flu patients are expected this season.

He also said he will be among the first to get vaccinated as soon as the corona vaccine arrives.

“There is no dilemma, as soon as you arrive,” Dr. Kon said.

About the Swedish model

When asked about herd immunity and the Swedish model, Dr. Kon openly said what he thinks and why it would never work for us because we decided to protect the elderly, while Sweden started from the fact that the elderly will die from the virus crown, and the younger ones certainly have. milder symptoms.

– They saved the economy and, as brutal as it sounded, they reduced the number of nursing homes, they eased the pension fund … And that would not be possible with us – Kon said, admitting on the live show that this is one of the most stressful periods in private and professional life, that whirlwind that happens and it is not clear to them that on the one hand you have people who are exhausted working in hospitals, and on the other those who are happy and that there must be a balance in their behavior because without our common doctors. They won’t be able to get this out.


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