There is little time left to raise funds for the treatment of two-year-old Anika Manić in order to travel abroad for treatment.
Anika suffers from type 1 spinal muscular atrophy and her only hope is to receive a medicine that costs two million euros, so a wide social action to raise money was organized.
Text 858 to 3030 to help raise money for a medicine that should help a seriously ill girl.
The state announced that Anika will go to receive treatment in Budapest by plane from the Government of Serbia, but also that from next year, Serbia will introduce a newborn screening program for the early detection of this serious and rare disease.
In the words of the girl’s mother, Ivanka Pavlović Manić, the goal is very close.
– According to the latest report from the “Be Humane” foundation, we are around 15 percent of the goal. That means that it is necessary to raise another 300,000 euros for Anika’s therapy. Last time we were on Dnevnik, about 80,000 messages were sent in 24 hours, and if that happened again, we would almost finish raising funds. I would like to take this opportunity to address the citizens who have been with us all this time to send them an SMS so that we can send Anika for therapy soon – Anika’s mother appealed.

It is necessary to raise funds before December 15, because after that it takes time to order the gene therapy and deliver it to the hospital from America, and Anika should be in Budapest in January when the necessary tests will be carried out, and after a few weeks. and receive therapy.
– The therapy is accepted up to a certain body limit of thirteen and a half kilograms, and Anika is very close to it. You constantly have trouble breathing and swallowing. In that sense, his condition has not changed, but he is in good condition to receive this gene therapy, which is the most important thing at the moment – said Anika’s mother.

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Author: delivery courier