There are no magic pills, vitamins are useless and harmful, immunity is strengthened in only one way



12.12.2020. 15:13

“How to strengthen the immune system”, the answer is simple, no way.


Photo: silkscreen / instagram

Somehow, at the same time that the corona virus appeared, about which not much was known, they started with the assumption that only strong immunity can fight such a dangerous infection, and then the craze for instant solutions began. Various supplements become a “magic wand” that turns our body into a rock against which viruses repel. However, medical experts immediately warned that not everything is as easy as advertised, noting that certain products, such as colloidal silver, not only fail to suppress COVID-19, but have also been shown to be harmful.

Despite the warnings, people are still seeking magical protection from the crown. In the famous Google, one of the most popular search terms is “strengthen the immune system”. Use of the #immunebooster hashtag on Instagram has grown more than 46 percent.

The answer to the question “How to strengthen the immune system”, says the medicine, is really simple, by no means.

“Adaptive immunity that adapts to environmental exposure by producing antibodies. The only way to boost adaptive immunity enough for the body to defend itself against corona is to receive the vaccine and produce antibodies,” said Rebin Kader, internal medicine physician. from the Denver Allergy and Immunology Clinic. .

Vitamin drug health pills

Photo: Shutterstock

There is no magic product to boost immunity. The only thing you can do is get certain vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the body to function optimally. But here it is not worth exaggerating either, because our body rejects excess. So we will simply excrete excess vitamin C. In some situations, excessive intake of vitamins and minerals can even be dangerous. For example, vitamin A can also cause liver damage.

“A proper diet generally contains all the macronutrients, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and micronutrients that we need,” says Dr. Kader.

“Instead of ‘boosting’ the immune system, what you want to do is support it, supplement the nutrients that are missing from your diet,” says Dr. Kader.

The most important thing is to adjust your diet. The best anti-inflammatory diet is foods rich in antioxidants, or more simply: lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. It is a food full of vitamins and minerals, rich in fiber and water, and low in calories. But even a healthy diet cannot make up for a poor lifestyle choice. When you’re exposed to stress, when you’re not getting enough sleep, you can seriously compromise your immune system.

“The biggest impact on infection prevention is really the simplest things: washing your hands, wearing a mask, keeping your physical distance, isolation, if you are sick or have symptoms,” says Dr. Kader.

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